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Författare Ämne: Old Gents getting younger...  (läst 2394 gånger)

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Old Gents getting younger...
« skrivet: 2003-07-25, 12:51:56 »
Maybe not steaming hot news but...

The forum team would like to extend our humble gratulations to the Old Gents members that are contributing by providing a new generation of Old Gents.

As far as we know, there are atleast THREE buns in the ovens at this moment. We look forward to seeing those buns on the forum in "a few years".

We already have one son of a Gent on the forum. But I am certain there will be more in the future.

Perhaps we should start a baby-sitter-request-part on the forum soon? ;)

Good game, m8s! We are happy for your sakes!
And also - thanks to the wives for putting up with us, and our gaming.
I have to stop now, getting tears in my eyes.


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