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Författare Ämne: Necromancer - Life after Death  (läst 3873 gånger)

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Utloggad DeadHead

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Necromancer - Life after Death
« skrivet: 2007-02-09, 07:28:14 »
Här kommer inom kort klassinformation och tips om Vanguards Necromancers! Det är bara att börja posta för den som har någon information om denna klass.

Utloggad DeadHead

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SV: Necromancer - Life after Death
« Svar #1 skrivet: 2007-03-23, 18:37:21 »
Jaha ja... det var ju tänkt att jag så smått skulle börja skriva lite om denna klass här, men har helt enkelt inte hunnit med det ännu. En sak är dock säker, vill du vara DPS-kung mot tuffare mobs (dvs. 4 dottars och över), så är necro rätt väg att gå!

Här ett litet inlägg från

deusex wrote:
Look, I'm fine with having little to no dd ability. Who are we kidding?

What pisses me off is that our DOTs don't seem to blow the other classes out of water. Hear me out.

I'm fine if our DOT has to last 40 seconds (hypothetically) to do full damage. What I'm not fine with is that our DOTs, which take anywhere from 24-36 seconds to fully damage a target, are comparable to druid, psi, and ESPECIALLY sorc spells, many of which are high damage dd's that can do the damage we do in WELL under 10 seconds. Where is the practicallity in that? Necroes need more damage, hell, make our casting time long, make the total dot time longer, but give us higher damage or else I see no capability for a necro to compare to, say, a sorc in damage. And if you say a sorc has to worry about aggro, I'll tell you "so what?", as aggro shouldn't be the deciding factor in how much classes do.

xerokill wrote:
The practicallity in is comes in the fact that in order for them to achieve the same amount of damage in 10seconds that we do in 36 seconds, they would have to use up all their mana. They can't just go off all willy-nilly tossing those huge nukes they have and expect to sustain any amount of DPS.

Consider this:

If we stack every DOT we have and just let them run their course for one cycle, even forsaking all our nukes.. if A Sorc wanted to match that same amount of damage in the same amount of time they would need about 15,000 ENG , which they don't have and certainly can't recover enough in that time frame to do it. In that same 36 seconds of time, we can recover all the ENG that we lost to the cast of those spells, AND we can nuke on top of that.

Let us also consider that if a Sorc where to theoretically accomplish this feat and do the same damage, in the same time span, and still have ENG left to us... how much HP do you think they would have with all that agro?

There is balance in the system, you just have to know where it is.

At level 43 this is what I can achieve in those 36seconds, just one volley. I just fired off one of each DOT, for a quick reference.

POI = 3,682 (526/t)
Torment = 4,581 (509/t)
GotG = 4,131 (459/t)
DS = 2,886 (481/t)

With just DOTS that is 15,280 damage dealt over 36 seconds for 424.4 DPS, which doesn't even take into consideration that all but one of these DOTs could have been reapplied in that time frame for even more damage. This is sustainable indefinitely and really doesn't cost us anything because in the time it takes them all to wear off we have easily regained that.

Now consider the 1600ish every 3sec you can fire off with Bone Spear at 105.3ENG/s that equates to about another 533 DPS. Add in yet again Dark Rebuke which is about 1500 (non-undead) every 8sec for another 187.5DPS. You get the idea here. This doesn't even count buffs, debuffs, pets, grafts, etc etc. Fact is. we can sustain in DPS nearly what they can achieve with just one ENG bar. After that, they are spent.

Add to this yet again, we can do ALL of that listed above and NEVER fear drawing agro. If they tried to match is tit-for-tat to reach these kinds of numbers, they would face plant in a heart beat.

* * *

En sak till bara... om det är DD du är ute efter, så kan denna vara av visst intresse:
Death Touch (lvl 50 necro spell)
Instantly kills a target that is below 40% life although not all targets will be effected by this.
Rekordet jag läst om hittills vad gäller denna är över 2 miljoner i skada... :)
« Senast ändrad: 2007-04-24, 13:25:06 by DeadHead »


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SV: Necromancer - Life after Death
« Svar #2 skrivet: 2008-01-27, 00:11:39 »
Jaha!  Väcka upp en gammal tråd igen :)

Tips för Necros mottages :)  Raggeman är level 16 och ökar snabbt ..

Utloggad DeadHead

  • Old Cleaning Lady
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SV: Necromancer - Life after Death
« Svar #3 skrivet: 2008-01-29, 08:06:28 »
Tja, du kommer nog på det mesta själv antar jag, men annars så är det bara att fråga på! :)


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