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Tips & Tricks
« skrivet: 2011-12-17, 06:21:35 »
Hi, let's have a single thread where we can list out any neat tips we all learn.  I'll update this first post with a list of links to each of the tip posts so they are easier to keep track of.  Obviously, that makes it sound like I expect us to have hundreds of tips!  I'll start the ball rolling with something I learnt quite alot about tonight.

Crafting and Reverse Engineering
For the sake of making this simple I will assume that you (1) have an AI crew member that follows you around (2) have given them one of the crafting crew skills (see list of them here under "Crafting Skills").

Why Crafting?
Crafting is cool because it lets you do three things (1) use up some of that junk that you find lying around (2) you can craft you own weapon and armour upgrades (3) you can craft weapon and armour mods and sell them for a profit.  By scavenging and crafting you can make thousands of credits an hour.  To get 1000 credits you only have to craft 23 level 1 items which sell to any in-game store for 45 credits each.

Why Reverse Engineering?
Reverse Engineering is like gambling.  You pick an item at your inventory and you go "ok, I'm going to hope for a new blueprint and if I don't get one I don't care that I will lose the item".  The reason you want new blueprints is because that lets you build either new items or higher level items.  You can still build the lower level version, you just get an extra option for the higher one.  They give you more boom for your buck and sell for more credits.  Of course, finding the raw ingredients then becomes more challenging.

I also picked the Scavenger and Underworld Market skills so I can source components from multiple sources.  So with those two it's crew missions but I can also just manually scavenge stuff from the game world as I move around.  That helps me keep topped up so I can get my crew to craft things.

So open the Crew panel and you should see the crafting option you chose.  I chose Cybertech so when I pick that I then get the option to create "Might Armouring", "Reflex Motoring", "Resolve Armouring" and "Skill Armouring".  I also get the same set but "Mod" instead of "Armouring".

So at first I was scavenging, then building the mods, selling each of them to an in-game merchant and seeing which sold for most.  Then I started doing those in bulk.  That got me by for a while but then the "Reverse Engineering" option caught my eye.

So what happens is, you view your inventory and tick the "Reverse Engineering" option in the top right corner.  Any items that remain lit can be reverse engineered.  When you do this 3 things may happen (1) you get back some of the scavenged items used to make the item (2) you don't get back anything (3) you get back items and/or get an updated blueprint.  This then means you can start crafting these higher grade items.  But then you can do the same thing again, so build a bunch of the higher grade items and then reverse engineer them.  To get to the second level for each thing took less than 10 builds per item.  The higher grade items require more ingredients and different combinations.  There's a good list of what can be built here.

It's easy to do this with the 8 blueprints that you start out with because you can always just produce more of those items to reverse engineer them.  For items you find on your travels it can be a real gamble to reverse engineer a high grade item and not get the blueprint for it.  On the other hand, it may be time to delve into "The Galactic Trade Market"  :thumb

I know that was a lot of text to chew through so here's some fun images to even things out  :D


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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #1 skrivet: 2011-12-18, 03:48:56 »
Sight Seeing
Quick jumping is fine except you can only do it once every 30 minutes.  Using the taxi system is where it is at.  What can make it better?  Well as soon as you've ordered the taxi zoom all the way in so you are seeing out of the avatars head.  Then press Alt-Z to hide the interface.  You can look around by holding the right mouse button down and moving the cursor around.  Now it's like you are really flying along ^_^


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« Svar #2 skrivet: 2011-12-19, 06:04:01 »
The Galactic Exchange

Edit: Read my edited in notes at the end!

Instead of selling your items to the generic store keepers around the galaxy, try selling them using one of the Galactic Exchange terminals.  When you drag and drop the item from your inventory into the slot on the terminal screen the price will automatically be adjusted to the current lowest copy of your item in the market.  This means you can take 10 credits off and then you are the cheapest around ^_^

What's the difference?  Well a basic armour modification sells for 45 to a vendor but can sell for 150 in the market.  I've had several pieces of armour that the vendors quoted 100 and I got over 500 for in the market.

The big downside is that you have to keep checking your in-game email to receive the cash.  Also, the exchange terminals are not available on all planets, Hutta has none for example.

It also works the other way around.  When you want to buy something check the market.  There are some real bargains in there, especially when you realise that some people don't seem to understand the system.  I've seen people selling things for the same price the vendor offers to buy for.  My hunch is that they are expecting it to be like ebay or that they have not checked how much it actually costs to buy that same item from a vendor.  The same one that offers you 10 credits for an item will charge you 150 to buy the same item!

Edited in notes!
As of today 22nd January 2012 I have opted to only use the exchange for selling blueprints, quests and crafting materials.  It is crap for selling most armour and weapons.  You have to drop the price down to stupid levels to sell anything.  It actually makes more sense to just sell those items to a vendor.  An example is a 6k rifle.  The only way I can sell it in the market is to drop the price to 400 credits but a normal medical vendor will give me 2000 for it.

Also, for buying crafting materials it is terrible.  People are putting things like 10x Alien Blood for 25,000 credits.  Then everyone else starts doing the same.  It's good from a sellers point of view as you can then put the same amount on there for 5000-10,000 to undercut the other sellers but then you become the one ripping the buyers off.  Due to the way the market is currently working I am now being very careful with what I craft since I know I'll hit times when I can't buy the raw material to build the higher up Biochem items.  Going to lower level planets like Nar Shaddaa helps a little with buying cheaper low grade items but not with the higher level ones since most people there can't harvest or skill mission those materials yet.


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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #3 skrivet: 2011-12-19, 06:10:30 »
Crew Skills
All you need to know about crew skills in SWTOR can be summed up in one sentance: "Get the slicing skill, nothing else is important!"

That one skill is the golden money ticket.  Today I have made about 60,000 credits by just sending my two companions off on 5-35 minute long missions all day.  I've spent about 55,000 today on armour, weapons and other junk.

I scrapped the "Underworld Market" skill which I thought was too similar to my "Scavenging" one.  I added Slicing in its place and have not regretted it once.  Just today I've gone from 0-138 in my slicing skill level.

This is also the skill that lets you open all those little money containers and safety boxes you have probably seen scattered around everywhere.

Edit: Now I am level 49 and can send 5 crew mates off on slicing missions at the same time.  You get to send 5 off when you reach level 48.  Today I just sent 3 off on slicing missions as I had one doing biochem crafting and one running with me killing things.  I estimate I've made over 200,000 credits today from just slicing with 3 crew mates.

The trick is to select the level below the top one and choose any Rich credit missions.  You never get Rich for the top most level.  Those often produce more than the top levels Abundant missions.  If there are no more Rich missions then I return to the top level and do any Abundant ones.  If there are none then I go back down to the one below and do any Abundants there.  I never do any below the top two levels.  It's pretty rare that there are no Rich or Abundant missions.  If that happens then I just send them off to do some bioanalysis farming until someone comes back from a slicing mission and the list gets randomised again.

Utloggad DaddyLongLeg

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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #4 skrivet: 2011-12-19, 19:07:11 »
Jaggies... I so hate jaggies. Still no implementation of AA?

edit: Jag är allvarlig :) Jag kommer inte att kunna spela detta spel utan anti-aliasing :(

Utloggad DeadHead

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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #5 skrivet: 2011-12-19, 19:20:17 »
Jaggies... I so hate jaggies. Still no implementation of AA?

edit: Jag är allvarlig :) Jag kommer inte att kunna spela detta spel utan anti-aliasing :(

Kanske går att tvinga? Brukar ju fungera i många spel som inte själva har AA stöd!


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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #6 skrivet: 2011-12-20, 01:14:35 »
How to enable anti-aliasing

Edit: As of patch 1.1 anti-aliasing is now available via the in-game Preferences->Graphics panel.  There are three options - Off, Low and High.  There are problems with it working on Ati cards although you can set it to Off in-game and then manually force it using the Ati Catalyst software.  It works for NVidia cards although the tool tip says it is not currently enabled.  That is just the tool tip being wrong.  That has been confirmed by a BioWare employee.

Original Post:
Forcing it didn't work for me with the latest NVidia beta drivers.  What did work was editing the game config file here:

C:\Users\{Your Username}\AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\settings\client_settings.ini

And adding this line under the [Renderer] section:

AntiAliasingLevel = 8

I've attached a screenshot or what my NVidia settings look like.  Looks great but does feel more laggy.  Used to get a consistent 60FPS but now runs between 25-40 on my 580GTX.  Haven't spent any time tweaking that as I had to wait 1 hour in the queue just to test if it worked at all.  When it did I couldn't bring myself to log out and tinker!

I think there will be another update very soon that just lets you configure it in-game but for now I hope the above helps you out  :thumb


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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #7 skrivet: 2012-01-01, 23:28:25 »
Restarting Dialogue Sequences
So you start a conversation with an NPC and make a poor choice.  That horrid little icon pops up in the bottom left corner telling you that your companion didn't like your choice or maybe you just clicked the wrong choice and meant to say something different.  It does not matter.  Press the Escape key at any point during a conversation to exit it.  Any points that were granted in that conversation are not saved.  They only get saved once the conversation reaches the end.  To start it again just click on the NPC.  I've used this loads as I usually try and do what makes my NPC happy.

Also, if you are playing dark side, don't be scared to choose the light side answer sometimes.  Say you get -50 darkside points for that, it may lead to an extra bit of dialogue where you can then make +100 darkside points, so you actually end up making 50 more points.  That would be the same as if you had just picked the first darkside option but this way you get to do a different conversation path.  It works for the other side as well i.e. a Jedi picking darkside options.


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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #8 skrivet: 2012-01-04, 02:58:09 »
The Galactic Market (is not galactic)
When you use a trade terminal on the imperial fleet it is actually a separate system than the one you find on other planets.  Some of them do appear to be shared but not all.  Nar Shaddaa is an example of this.

What good is knowing that?  Well you can sell 50 items at a time on the market.  But since each market is separate it means you can have 50 in the fleet market, 50 in the Nar Shaddaa market, 50 in the Tatooine market and so on.

The problem with this is that the market can then become pretty useless depending on your level.  The one on the imperial fleet has a wide range of items as it is a cross-over location that everyone of all levels can easily reach.  You can buy low, mid and high level items from a number of categories.  Now move to Nar Shaddaa and you will find that generally, you can only buy low level items and most categories are empty.

If you want to sell any items on a low-level world like Nar Shaddaa then you will probably have trouble selling the higher-level rated items since most people there can't even use those items yet.

It's not all doom and gloom though!  Say everybody in the Fleet market is selling "Green Goo" for 2000 credits.  You can go to Nar Shaddaa and buy it for 200 credits.  Things like that are not guaranteed but it's always handy to have a quick way of buying crafting materials.  Of course you have to factor in the travel expenses but chances are that if you are playing the market then the few hundred credits it took to get there won't bother you.

The main problems with the market are:

  • The trade terminals are always in hard to find places.  Tatooines is hidden away in the PVP area which a lot of people don't even know exists.  Nar Shaddaas is out of the way near the Casino.  I haven't even found one on Alderan yet!
  • Because each market is a seperate market it means the items sold and bought at each one reflect the location of the market so a location with high level players will have more high level item sales whilst a low level location will usually just have low-level item sales.
  • Sorting, filtering and searching in the market are a total mess so it can be hard to find the items you want to buy.
  • People just don't know about the market or are afraid to use it.

A few changes I hope they implement at some point in the future would be:

  • One big market that is shared amongst all the servers, planets and space stations.
  • Make them more easily accessable.  At the moment you have to hunt down a trade terminal on each planet.  Why would they put the only terminal in a PVP area?!
  • Fix the map system so you can actually see lockers and trade terminals.  At the moment more than half the planets I've visited have had broken map systems.  Try it out, find a trade terminal or locker then open the map and turn on the filter for them.  Chances are they won't show up!


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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #9 skrivet: 2012-01-05, 02:28:23 »
Get 'em when their down!
So Sith can't chat to Jedi and vica versa but you can both see emoticons the other performs if the other player is selected.  So the next time you kill a Jedi player make sure to quickly do a /spit or a /getdown before you leave!


Utloggad Tiny

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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #10 skrivet: 2012-01-06, 10:52:47 »
make sure to quickly do a /spit ...  before you leave!

I'm not happy with that piece of advice. Old Gents should have a code of conduct in which spitting on people are not often included, some would argue never. I think we can find more subtle, stylish or ironic emotes than that. :)

Otherwise thanks for good posting.  :thumb
/Tiny  :lolright
Varning för vaktgrodan! Ett välriktat bett kan fälla en fullvuxen elefant.


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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #11 skrivet: 2012-01-06, 12:49:00 »
Maybe Sith and Jedi all get along, hug and hold hands on PVE servers but on the PVP one we enjoy killing each other and rubbing their faces in it.  I have killed between 10-20 Jedi players this week.  Sith destroy our enemies and revel in their sorrow.

If it was a RP server then people would line up to spit on a dead Jedi  :drool

Utloggad DaddyLongLeg

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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #12 skrivet: 2012-01-07, 18:27:49 »
Maybe Sith and Jedi all get along, hug and hold hands on PVE servers but on the PVP one we enjoy killing each other and rubbing their faces in it.  I have killed between 10-20 Jedi players this week.  Sith destroy our enemies and revel in their sorrow.

If it was a RP server then people would line up to spit on a dead Jedi  :drool

All in theory, of course. A sith is not capable of killing a true Jedi.

Utloggad Elunyx

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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #13 skrivet: 2012-01-07, 19:30:31 »
Jedi´s don´t die, they become blury


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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #14 skrivet: 2012-01-13, 04:29:40 »
Rest Areas
So everybody knows that Cantinas are rest areas but it seems a lot do not realise their ship is as well.  Before I log off I always make a habit of going back to the my ship, the local Cantina or the top floor at the Fleet :fu

What's the point of logging off in a Rest Area?
When you are in a rested state you gain twice the number of xp for certain things over a certain period of time.  I won't go into any more detail than that as there is an excellent guide on it here on swtor-spy.  The comments at the bottom are excellent.  I'll quote a few in case the site goes down:

Citat från: Tholena
From my couple of tests, it appears that you gain 5% of the experience needed for your current level every 8 hours. I’m not sure if this changes by act, level, etc. Most of my testing has been with various characters from 10 to 20.

Citat från: D
I did not see anyone post specifically what the rested xp cap is, although I only skimmed through the comments. But here is the answer:
RESTED XP CAP = 1 level (based on current level)
 For example, a level 12 character that has 10000/36435 XP can have a MAXIMUM of 36435 RESTED XP.
My guess is that it takes a week, maybe 2, to hit the cap. Pretty much taken directly from WoW’s rested xp system.
Anyways, happy leveling. May the Force be with you.

@Tholena adds - It would take about a week, assuming we’re right that it’s 5% per 8 hours. (6 2/3 days actually)


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