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Författare Ämne: GW1 - Nyheter och patchar  (läst 69567 gånger)

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Utloggad Crimson

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #135 skrivet: 2007-10-15, 13:34:27 »
Underworld and Fissure of Woe Updates

  • When entering into these regions, players will now receive a Mission Objective list in their Quest Log. This list informs players how many quests they must complete to finish the regions for the purposes of full completion and credit for the Hall of Monuments.
  • Quests yet to be obtained are marked as "?????" in the Mission Objective list until they are discovered by at least one party member.
  • Chests now spawn upon completion of all quests in either of these regions.

Player testimony (GWO):

When you complete all ten quests in the Underworld an "Underworld Chest" spawns by the Labyrinth Reaper. Each player receives from the chest:

    * One Glob of Ectoplasm
    * One Phantom Key
    * One diamond
    * One inscrabable gold item (can also be a second diamond)

Vi har ju kört en del Tombs, men det var ett tag sedan vi körde UW... ;)

« Senast ändrad: 2007-10-15, 16:44:43 by Crimson »

=[OG]= GW Division Coach

Utloggad Crimson

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #136 skrivet: 2007-10-15, 13:59:39 »
Eye of the North Hard Mode

Hard Mode has been introduced for Guild Wars: Eye of the North. Players who have completed the expansion can now try playing it again in Hard Mode for an additional challenge.

  • To gain access to Hard Mode in Eye of the North, you must first defeat the final primary quest in Normal Mode.
  • Once you defeat the Eye of the North quest "A Time for Heroes" with any character on your account, every level 20 character on that same account will have access to Hard Mode in Eye of the North.

Hard Mode Rewards in Eye of the North

  • Reputation point bonuses for completing primary quests and dungeons are 50% higher than in Normal Mode.
  • Reputation points received from bounties are approximately 50% higher than in Normal Mode.
  • Random loot found within final dungeon chests is doubled from what is given in Normal Mode.

Hall of Monuments

  • Miniatures no longer need to be customized when displayed in a player's Hall of Monuments.
  • Miniatures displayed in the Monument to Devotion are now marked as "dedicated" rather than "customized."
  • Players can use the Monument to Devotion to switch existing miniatures from being "customized" to being "dedicated."
  • Miniatures that have been dedicated in a Hall of Monuments cannot be dedicated again, but they can be used by any character.
  • To prevent trade scams, the Trade panel will warn you if someone tries to trade you a miniature that has already been dedicated.

Report Command

After reviewing the usage of the report command during last weekend’s test, we have decided to enable the command officially. The text describing the spamming and verbal abuse report commands have been updated to more clearly explain how they work. Players are never banned merely because of the volume of reports issued against them. Reports alert the GM team to review the actual chat logs of the reported player. The GM team then uses the same disciplinary policies that have always been applied to emailed reports of spamming and verbal abuse.

  • To use the report command, type "/report."
  • Targeting a player and typing /report or /report followed by a player's name opens a new Report Dialog panel. From this panel, you can report a chosen player for leeching, botting, spamming, using abusive language, or having an inappropriate character name. Reports will then be relayed to and reviewed by the Guild Wars Support team.
  • You can report a player for leeching if you are in the same Random Arena, Alliance Battle, or Competitive Mission as that player. If at least half your team reports the same player for leeching, that player will be stripped of XP and faction rewards for the battle. Note that you can only report members of your own party or team for leeching.
  • Reports of botting, spamming, abusive language, and inappropriate character names will be relayed to and reviewed by the Guild Wars Support team. Note that reporting a single player multiple times for the same offense will not expedite or influence support team attention.
  • A single account cannot use the /report command more than 50 times in a 24-hour period.

We will continue to monitor this feature and make further adjustments as necessary.

« Senast ändrad: 2007-10-15, 14:02:51 by Crimson »

=[OG]= GW Division Coach

Utloggad Crimson

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    • Jörn Joghans and his Art
SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #137 skrivet: 2007-10-15, 14:20:15 »
(It's that time of the year again...)

Skill Balances, October 12, 2007:

In this update, we addressed the melee-overload-versus-block-overload struggle we're seeing in Guild Battles right now. Some of our goals were to increase the viability of split tactics, reduce the effectiveness of a defensive "block web," decrease the effectiveness of some spike-oriented melee skills, and reestablish caster pressure and area-of-effect damage, while not overpowering pure spike builds.

  • Decreased the Health of all Spirits by 50; allowed Burning to affect Spirits.

The existing specific counters to Spirits were too narrow. This change allows area-of-effects to more effectively neutralize Spirits. It also means Spirit-users may have to place Spirits more strategically.

  • Death's Charge: increased conditional Health to 65..200.
  • Golden Fang Strike: fixed a bug that allowed the use of Golden Fang Strike without a lead attack.
  • Shadow Refuge: increased duration to 6 seconds.

The Assassin's ability to strike, retreat, heal up, and move back in for the kill was limited by the lack of solid basic healing. Shadow Refuge played second fiddle to Feigned Neutrality or non-Assassin self-heals for some time, so we increased the unconditional heal portion of this staple skill. Death's Charge has a very conditional heal that yielded too little Health for its situational nature; the healing has been raised accordingly.

  • Wearying Strike: decreased damage to 5..20.

As part of our effort to decrease melee damage slightly, we made Wearying Strike less powerful to adjust the ever-popular Avatar of Melandru/Wearying Strike combination.


  • Ash Blast: increased damage to 35..65.
  • Chilling Winds: increased damage to 25..50.
  • Conjure Frost, Conjure Flame, and Conjure Lightning: now directly increase the damage you do when you hit with an attack (previously, they dealt damage as a second, additional strike); decreased damage to 5..20.
  • Ebon Hawk: increased damage to 45..100.
  • Enervating Charge: increased damage to 25..50.
  • Glyph of Swiftness: fixed a bug that increased the projectile speed.
  • Ice Spikes: decreased recharge time to 10 seconds.
  • Searing Flames: increased Burning duration to 1..7 seconds.
  • Steam: increased conditional damage to 40..100; increased damage to 25..70.
  • Stoning: increased damage to 45..105.
  • Ward Against Melee: increased Energy cost to 15; decreased duration to 5..20 seconds.

As part of our movement to augment caster pressure damage, many Elementalist Skills obtained raw damage boosts. The Conjure Skills have been changed so they hit as part of the attack, rather than a separate damage packet. This reduces their power versus Reversal of Fortune. Searing Flames received a boost with longer Burning duration, which we hope will empower the choice to bring one copy of it without creating teams consisting of nothing but Searing Flames Elementalists.

  • Air of Disenchantment: decreased casting time to .25 seconds.
  • Drain Enchantment: decreased Energy cost to 10; decreased Energy returned to 7..15; added a heal effect of 40..120 when an Enchantment is removed.
  • Enchanter's Conundrum: decreased Energy cost to 10; decreased casting time to 1 second; increased damage to 30..120; fixed a bug that caused multiple hits of damage when stacked.
  • Energy Burn: increased damage multiplier to 12.
  • Energy Surge: increased damage multiplier to 12.
  • Extend Conditions: decreased recharge time to 5 seconds.
  • Hex Eater Vortex: increased recharge time to 12 seconds.
  • Illusion of Haste: decreased Energy cost to 5.
  • Ineptitude: decreased recharge time to 15 seconds.
  • Keystone Signet: decreased recharge time to 10 seconds.
  • Mantra of Recovery: decreased recharge reduction to 33%.
  • Power Drain: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds.
  • Power Leak: decreased recharge time to 12 seconds.
  • Power Spike: decreased Energy cost to 5.
  • Shrinking Armor: fixed a bug that prevented the Health Bar from turning purple.
  • Signet of Illusions: increased the number of Spells affected to 3.
  • Signet of Midnight: decreased recharge time to 10 seconds.

Mantra of Recovery has dominated Mesmer Skill Bars in Guild Battles. We reduced its raw effectiveness to remove the complete reliance on it, then we adjusted the recharge times of a few skills to compensate and make them more attractive without Mantra of Recovery. To further encourage diverse Skill Bars, we increased the effectiveness of most Mesmer elites. Hex Eater Vortex was proving to be too powerful at dealing with Hexes, so we lengthened the recharge time to favor more precise Hex removal. Power Spike is a staple Mesmer interrupt that was inferior to its bigger brothers, so we lowered its Energy cost to 5, making it a more readily available choice. The Drain Enchantment change creates a second Mesmer Skill for self healing, while Illusion of Haste seeks to increase Mesmer split potential.

  • Reversal of Damage: fixed a bug that caused this Spell to stop all damage instead of the max damage listed.
  • Shield of Deflection: increased recharge time to 10 seconds; increased duration to 3..10 seconds.
  • Shield of Regeneration: increased recharge time to 12 seconds.

The 1/4 second cast time of both Shield of Deflection and Shield of Regeneration made these skills too easy to maintain on a constant basis. We countered this by increasing their recharge times. Enchantment removal should now be a more viable counter to these popular elite skills.

  • Angorodon's Gaze: decreased Energy returned to 12.
  • Chilblains: now works on target foe instead of having a point-blank area of effect; decreased number of Enchantments affected to 1; increased casting time to 2 seconds.
  • Gaze of Contempt: decreased recharge time to 15 seconds.
  • Putrid Bile: fixed a bug that prevented the Health Bar from turning purple.
  • Rend Enchantments: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds.
  • Rigor Mortis: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds; decreased casting time to 1 second.
  • Rip Enchantment: decreased Health lost to 15..5.
  • Strip Enchantment: decreased recharge time to 15 seconds.

We enhanced Necromancer Enchantment-removal options so they wouldn't be so overshadowed by Mesmers. Chilblains, in particular, received a powerful increase to better fit its hefty 25 Energy price tag (hur uppdateringarna av Chilblains kan kallas en 'powerful increase' är dock enligt mig ett mysterium), while Strip Enchantment, Rend Enchantments, Rip Enchantment, and Gaze of Contempt all received more conservative power increases. Rigor Mortis was improved as another counter to the blocking metagame, while Angorodon's Gaze had its Energy return component reduced to halt the infinite Energy engine.

  • Nature's Renewal: decreased Spirit levels to 1..10.

Nature's Renewal was a lot tougher than other Spirits and was getting far too large an armor bonus for its additional levels. We've reduced the level to bring it down to size.

  • Aggressive Refrain: now causes Cracked Armor for 20 seconds when applied.
  • "Go for the Eyes!": increased recharge time to 4 seconds.

We increased the recharge time for "Go for the Eyes!" because it was generating near-limitless Energy, especially when combined with "Watch Yourself!", for Paragons from the Leadership attribute. Aggressive Refrain's tradeoff of 25 Energy had very little consequence, as it was rarely activated more than once per battle. The addition of self-inflicting Cracked Armor should create more interesting choices for this skill.

  • Agonizing Chop: increased activation time to 1 second.
  • "Charge!": increased movement speed to 33%.
  • Critical Chop: increased activation time to 1 second.
  • Disarm: reworded skill description to explain that it is an interrupt.
  • "Watch Yourself!": increased recharge time to 4 seconds; increased duration to 10 seconds.

Critical Chop and Agonizing Chop now have longer activation times to reduce their raw spike potential. Without a recharge time, "Watch Yourself!" was like an Energy buffet for Paragons, so we limited its rate while making it last longer so that it is still useful. Finally, "Charge!" was improved to keep up with the newer speed boosts and increase the viability of split tactics.
« Senast ändrad: 2007-10-16, 00:53:39 by Crimson »

=[OG]= GW Division Coach


  • Gäst
SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #138 skrivet: 2007-10-15, 18:51:17 »
Woho Rangern klarade sig bra! :)

Warriorn sådär, stackars er andra med andra karaktärer ! :D

Utloggad Crimson

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    • Jörn Joghans and his Art
SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #139 skrivet: 2007-10-15, 19:10:08 »
Va? Rangern fick ju enbart nerfs; 100%! ...och warriorn 75% nerfs!

Jämför med necrons 37,5% och mesmerns 12,5%. För att inte tala om Assassin; bara buffs!



Jag tror inte något av mina standardbyggen har drabbats nämnvärt av denna update. Det skulle möjligen vara ritualisten då, eftersom alla spirits fått sig en omgång med nerf-klubban.

Jag lade först märke till updateringen i morse när jag tog ut Kadya för att plåta Glint-statyn i Salt Flats. Jag är van att se dubbla skadenummer när jag har Conjure Flame på, men nu var de ihopadderade istället. Det tog mig en stund att fundera ut vad som hade hänt. :)

=[OG]= GW Division Coach

Utloggad Crimson

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    • Jörn Joghans and his Art
SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #140 skrivet: 2007-10-17, 13:34:47 »
Skill Updates, October 16, 2007:

  • Deadly Paradox: decreased the activation and recharge time of Assassin Skills to 33%.

  • Shield of Regeneration: reverted this Skill to its original behavior.

  • Keystone Signet: reverted this Skill to its original behavior.

=[OG]= GW Division Coach

Utloggad Crimson

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  • Antal inlägg: 1 980
    • Jörn Joghans and his Art
SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #141 skrivet: 2007-11-09, 10:16:09 »
Okej, en större uppdatering, inkluderandes en tillfällig skillbalansering rullar ut igen:

Update - Thursday, November 08, 2007

Skill Updates

We will be evaluating the following changes over the course of the next week. Additional adjustments may be made during that time period.

  • Recall: when this Enchantment ends, it now disables all of the caster's Skills for 10 seconds.


  • Shell Shock: decreased recharge time to 8 seconds. This Skill now has 25% armor penetration.


  • Blessed Light: increased heal amount to 10..140.
  • Cure Hex: now affected by Healer's Boon.
  • Glimmer of Light: decreased recharge time to 1 second; increased heal amount to 10..115.
  • Healer's Boon: instead of an upkeep cost, this Skill now has a duration of 10..55 seconds and no longer ends after a number of Spells are cast.
  • Healing Breeze: increased duration to 15 seconds; increased Health regeneration to 4..9.
  • Healing Ribbon: now affected by Healer's Boon.
  • Heal Party: increased heal amount to 30..90.
  • Light of Deliverance: increased casting time to 2 seconds; decreased heal amount to 5..70; now affects all party members regardless of Health.
  • Restful Breeze: increased duration to 8..18 seconds.
  • Vigorous Spirit: decreased casting time to .25 seconds.
  • Word of Healing: this Skill can now target the caster; increased non-conditional heal amount to 25..150; decreased recharge time to 3 seconds.

  • Oppressive Gaze: conditional effect now only triggers on foes who are below 50% Health.
  • Weaken Armor: decreased Energy cost to 5; decreased casting time to 2 seconds; decreased recharge time to 5 seconds; changed the skill type to a Spell; functionality changed to: 'Target foe has Cracked Armor for 5..20 second.'

  • Energizing Wind: increased Energy cost to 15; decreased duration to 30..90 seconds; decreased Spirit's level to 1..6.
  • Fertile Season: increased Energy cost to 15; decreased Health bonus to 50..150; decreased armor bonus to 8.
  • Magebane Shot: functionality changed to: 'If this attack hits, it interrupts target foe's action. If that action was a Spell, it is disabled for 5 seconds. This attack cannot be blocked.'



PvE-only Skills
  • Winds: fixed a bug that caused Winds (a Vanguard skill) to affect allies as well as foes.


  • Added a trophy to the Great Temple of Balthazar to commemorate the current winners of the 2007 $100,000 Tournament Series.
  • Removed the Celestial Tournament season PvP trophy from the Great Temple of Balthazar.
  • Fixed an exploit in Regent Valley that allowed players to kill pet bears repeatedly to obtain multiple ale rewards from the Bear Hunters.
  • Moved a patrol of Stone Summit Dwarves who often traveled too close to the entrance in Duncan the Black's level of Slaver's Exile.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Necromancer minions to count as kills for the Blessing of the Luxons and the Blessing of the Kurzicks.

Guild Wars Wiki notes

  • The update notes are ambiguous about whether the duration increase for Sundering Weapon affected the duration of the Weapon Spell itself or the Cracked Armor condition inflicted by it. The duration increase was for the condition.
  • The skill type of Ancestors' Rage was changed from Enchantment Spell to Skill.

« Senast ändrad: 2007-11-09, 10:20:25 by Crimson »

=[OG]= GW Division Coach

Utloggad E-doT

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #142 skrivet: 2007-11-09, 11:43:55 »

Alltid lika skönt när de inte är inne och tafsar för mycket på nekron. Nerfen på Soul Reaping måste ju ha fyllt den kvoten för all överskådlig framtid.  :)

Utloggad DaddyLongLeg

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #143 skrivet: 2007-11-12, 08:28:06 »
Kul att de gjort "Weaken Armour" användbar! Det skall bli intressant att testa detta :eager

Utloggad Crimson

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #144 skrivet: 2007-12-07, 09:36:01 »
Update - Thursday December 6

Lowered Level Access for Entry into Eye of the North

  • Characters can now enter Eye of the North as early as level 10 by accepting the quest "What Lies Beneath" from Len Caldoron in Lion's Arch, "I Feel the Earth Move Under Cantha's Feet" from Minister of Maintenance Raiugyon in Kaineng Center, or "Hole of Istan" from Bendah in Kamadan.
  • Players who are between levels 10 and 19 and are in Eye of the North maps will automatically receive a buff called Journey to the North. This buff grants players a base Health of 480 and bonuses to their attributes, and replaces their current armor level with the max armor level for that class until they reach level 20.
  • The Journey to the North buff sets one attribute to rank 12 and three additional attributes to rank 9. The effect overrides the player's current ranks in all attributes and places 12 ranks in the attribute of the weapon the player is wielding, 9 ranks in that player's primary attribute, 9 ranks based on the attribute of the focus or shield the player is wearing (if applicable), and 9 ranks based on the skills on the player's Skill Bar until the player has three attributes with 9 ranks in them.
  • Upon reaching level 20, the Journey to the North buff goes away the next time that player enters a new zone.
  • Players new to Eye of the North can now receive a basic max damage weapon by completing the Hero Tutorial quest given by Burol Ironfist in Boreal Station. Once completed, players receive a Burol Ironfist's Commendation item that can be turned in to Arkor Leadfoot in Boreal Station for a weapon of their choosing.
  • A new armorer, Jolvor Stoneforge, has been added to Boreal Station to give players a cheaper source of basic max level armor in the Eye of the North expansion.

Updated PvP Rewards

  • Tolkano, the Tournament NPC, now sells Zaishen Keys for either 5,000 Balthazar faction or 5 Tournament Reward Points. These keys open the Zaishen Chest on the Isle of the Nameless. Tolkano can be found in the Great Temple of Balthazar, the Hero Battles outpost, and all guild halls.
  • The Zaishen Chest is located on the Isle of the Nameless at the top of the stairs near the location of The Guide.
  • The Hall of Heroes chest now grants players a Zaishen Key in addition to the normal drops they receive.

Guild Hall
Three new NPC upgrades are available for guild halls. Members may speak to the Guild Lord in their hall to purchase these upgrades for their guild.

  • Canthan Ambassador: allows viewing of guild halls available for purchase.
  • Guild Emblemer: allows the guild leader to change the guild's cape without leaving the guild hall.
  • Festival Hat Keeper: gives guild members access to an NPC who can remember and reproduce special festival hats they have acquired.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused players to complete the first discovery location in the Tengu Peace Accords bonus mission pack mission during the end cinematic while in Discovery Mode.


  • Flasks of Firewater now provide 3 minutes of drunk effect upon a single consumption.
  • Lockpicks now drop in Eye of the North maps in normal mode at the same rate that keys drop in other regions.
  • Updated the Ursan Strike, Volfen Claw, and Raven Talons skills to touch range to make them more consistent between the mission versions and the Norn title versions.

=[OG]= GW Division Coach


  • Gäst
SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #145 skrivet: 2007-12-07, 17:06:37 »
  • Flasks of Firewater now provide 3 minutes of drunk effect upon a single consumption.

Yiiihaaa!!! :D

Utloggad Crimson

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    • Jörn Joghans and his Art
SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #146 skrivet: 2008-01-18, 11:09:53 »
Så var det dags igen!

Update - Thursday, January 17, 2008

Open Travel: Territory and District UI Changes

    • As a continuation of last year’s “Territory and District UI Changes” that saw language district restrictions removed for America and Europe, we are now removing restrictions on travel to Asian language districts.
    • In this update restrictions to Korean language districts will be removed and players of American, European and Korean districts will be able to travel back and forth between these language districts.
    • Restrictions on travel to Japanese and Taiwanese language districts will be removed in a subsequent build.

Skill Updates

We will be evaluating the following changes over the course of the next week. Additional adjustments may be made during that time period.

Guild versus Guild

  • Victory or Death: reduced the damage bonus to +15%; removed the maximum Health reduction. Guild Lords now prioritize other Guild Lords over players as targets.
  • Archers: now have Precision Shot.
  • Footmen: now have Pure Strike.
  • Knights: now have Warrior's Cunning.

These changes are primarily intended to adjust the impact of the block mechanic during Victory or Death and restore the importance of aggressive play throughout the match. Heavily defensive teams were too successful at consistently stalling games until Victory or Death, then using defensive skills to negate the impact of enemy NPCs while taking advantage of the damage bonus to compensate for their lack of offensive skills.


  • Viper's Defense: changed Skill type to a spell; increased casting time to .25 seconds; functionality changed to: "All adjacent foes are Poisoned for 5..20 seconds, you Shadow Step to a nearby random location."
  • Heart of Shadow: functionality changed to: "You are healed for 30..150 Health and Shadow Step to a nearby random location."
  • Scorpion Wire: decreased recharge time to 10 seconds.
  • Caltrops: decreased recharge time to 10 seconds.

Viper's Defense and Heart of Shadow were far too unreliable and could, for example, cause the caster to Shadow Step away while in the middle of using a skill. This change is meant to give more control to the caster, and make these skills more active and fun to use. Scorpion Wire, an underused skill overall, became less attractive with the addition of Augury of Death, warranting a recharge reduction to improve it. Caltrops needed to be more readily available to compete with other Cripple applications, so we brought the recharge down there as well.


  • Pious Assault: increased Energy cost to 10; functionality changed to: "You lose 1 Enchantment. If this attack hits, you deal +5..20 damage and inflict a Deep Wound for 5..20 seconds."

Aside from the Avatar of Melandru/Wearying Strike combination, options for inflicting Deep Wound were extremely limited for Dervishes. This rework of Pious Assault aims to grant that option to other Dervish builds.


  • Elemental Flame: increased Burning duration to 3..5 seconds.
  • Glyph of Essence: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds.
  • Chilling Winds: increased duration to 30 seconds.

We took this opportunity to increase some underpowered Elementalist skills. Elemental Flame gets much more attractive at low attribute levels, Glyph of Essence receives a nice recharge reduction to find room on crowded skill bars, and Chilling Winds gets a duration increase to allow it to spread to multiple targets.


  • Wastrel's Worry: increased damage to 20..80.
  • Mind Wrack: increased duration to 30 seconds.
  • Kitah's Burden/Ethereal Burden: reduced recharge time to 30 seconds.
  • Hex Eater Vortex: decreased damage to 30..90; increased recharge to 15 seconds.

Hex Eater Vortex was too prevalent in spikes on a single target, wiping off important protection spells while inflicting solid damage. The damage reduction and recharge increase should put more emphasis on the double-removal aspect. Kitah's Burden and Ethereal Burden had overly long recharges for movement reduction Hexes, so we knocked a third of that time off the top on both. Wastrel's Worry is intended as a staple-yet-conditional Mesmer damage spell, but its low, unguaranteed damage made it unattractive. Upping the damage here should more appropriately reward the times when it does succeed. Finally, many of the skills that could cause problems with Mind Wrack have received power decreases over the last several months, which makes us comfortable inching this skill back up a notch.


  • Divine Healing/Heaven's Delight: increased the area of effect to earshot.
  • Patient Spirit: decreased duration to 2 seconds; increased healing to 30..120 Health.
  • Restore Life: decreased casting time to 4 seconds.
  • Renew Life: decreased casting time to 4 seconds.
  • Vengeance: increased damage bonus to +25%; decreased recharge time to 30 seconds.
  • Aura of Stability: decreased duration to 1..16 seconds.

Touch-range, repeatable-use resurrection skills still proved too unwieldy for common use in PvP, so we'd decided to give them a generous casting time reduction to make the payoff more in-line with the difficulty of use. Patient Spirit is intended to be a slow but efficient maintenance-style heal, but was far too weak to perform that function previously. Divine Healing and Heaven's Delight received an aggressive range change to serve as an alternate heal for an entire group within the Divine Favor line, while Aura of Stability received a duration decrease to stop endless chains of it to invalidate knock-down.


  • Signet of Agony: increased damage to 10..70.
  • Wail of Doom: decreased Energy cost to 10.

Wail of Doom had a high price even before casting: it's both an elite and in a primary-only attribute line. We wanted to make the skill more usable for those who did decide to make those investments by reducing the Energy cost. Signet of Agony's damage was far too low to warrant any use, so we increased that to add some raw power to this overlooked skill.


  • Spear of Fury: increased adrenaline gain to 2..6 strikes.
  • "We Shall Return!": decreased Energy cost to 5.
  • "Fall Back!": decreased Energy cost to 10.

Spear of Fury gets a boost to its adrenaline to help out Paragons, especially in PvE. "We Shall Return!" fits our goal of improving resurrection as a whole, while the lower Energy cost for "Fall Back!" will make it a more viable choice for split tactics in GvG.


  • Power Shot: decreased activation time to 1 second.
  • Precision Shot: decreased activation time to 1 second.
  • Penetrating Attack/Sundering Attack: decreased activation time to 1 second.
  • Magebane Shot: increased Energy cost to 10.

Power Shot, Penetrating Attack, Sundering Attack, and Precision Shot were a bit lackluster in their effects. The intent of a faster speed is to increase overall bow damage output. Magebane Shot has become the clear elite choice for Rangers in GvG due to its low cost ad high effect. At 10 Energy, this skill should now be more appropriately priced.


  • Rejuvenation: increased Spirit's level to 1..16.
  • Sight Beyond Sight: increased duration to 12..25 seconds.
  • Sundering Weapon: now affects the next 3 attacks.
  • Warmonger's Weapon: increased recharge time to 30 seconds.

Rejuvenation's low Health made its lifespan too short to take advantage of its effect, so we increased the level to compensate. Sundering Weapon gets additional attacks for more chances to spread Cracked Armor on different foes. Sight Beyond Sight's duration came up slightly, further rewarding this skill choice on Ritualist builds that include melee attacks. Warmonger's Weapon was an endless, unremovable, powerful enhancement that could lock players down for a whole game in 4v4 PvP formats; the recharge increase means it will not be a permanent factor.


  • "Coward!": decreased adrenaline cost to 4 strikes.
  • "You're All Alone!": increased duration to 8 seconds.

"Coward!" and "You're All Alone!" are primarily split-friendly skills that enable Warriors to engage in skirmish tactics, so improving them should help Warriors perform better when away from the main group in GvG.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the Eye of the North quest Kilroy Stonekin's Punch-Out Extravaganza! that occasionally prevented players who had regained full Energy from standing up after being knocked down.
  • Fixed a bug in the Eye of the North quest Leader of the Pack that prevented some players from completing it.
  • Fixed a bug with the Eye of the North PvE Skill Ursan Blessing that caused it to incorrectly replace some Skills when its effect expired.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a player’s profession to appear using the wrong gender-noun on the character select screen in some languages.


  • Added the option to bind keys that activate Hero Skills. These keys can be bound through the "Action: Order Hero (1-3) to use Skill (1-8)" option in the Control options panel (Menu > Options > Control).
  • Updated the Hero AI for the Dervish Skill, Faithful Intervention.

« Senast ändrad: 2008-01-18, 12:07:22 by Crimson »

=[OG]= GW Division Coach

Utloggad Crimson

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    • Jörn Joghans and his Art
SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #147 skrivet: 2008-01-18, 11:15:03 »
Låt mig förtydliga:
"Added the option to bind keys that activate Hero Skills."

 :D :D :D

=[OG]= GW Division Coach

Utloggad E-doT

  • Old bitter grogghagga
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  • Två fötter i graven
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  • Antal inlägg: 2 047
SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #148 skrivet: 2008-01-18, 11:35:11 »


  • Gäst
SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #149 skrivet: 2008-01-21, 22:05:23 »
Nice de


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