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Författare Ämne: BEASTMASTER - Det glömda yrket  (läst 6335 gånger)

0 medlemmar och 1 gäst tittar på detta ämne.

Utloggad Ceder

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BEASTMASTER - Det glömda yrket
« Svar #15 skrivet: 2006-04-24, 11:43:48 »
aha trevligt...kanske man skulle göra så själv också

EDIT : nu är det preppat :thumb Slängde på en -50 hp grej plus 2 sup runor på handskar och mask så nu har jag 1 i hp :D vargen har blivit lvl 9 på 10 min :banana lvl 14 nu, går fort detta :D

*hoppas inte den slår ihjäl mig innan jag hunnit charma honom*

EDIT : klart! från lvl 5 till lvl 20 på ~3 timmar får duga :D

Utloggad Ceder

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BEASTMASTER - Det glömda yrket
« Svar #16 skrivet: 2006-04-26, 10:38:41 »
Hehe det är skoj att spela BM... Finns mycket fi man kan sola nu ;)

Tog ner ett gäng Blessed Griffons lvl 28 idag i snakes dance... Inte ens svårt så fort man fått aggro på petten :D

Utloggad Johnny Hazard

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BEASTMASTER - Det glömda yrket
« Svar #17 skrivet: 2006-04-26, 12:11:09 »
Testade utanför Augry Rock efter ha speccat om min rangerbrutta .. och nej ... tycker det är banne omöjligt att få buset att "agga" min pet. Kanske fel bus ("Skorpor") för dem avbryter ju med sina avståndsvapen.

Tror jag föredrar Trappern ist för Beastmastern!

"It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum."
"My Big Fat Excuse is on cooldown!"

Utloggad DeadHead

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BEASTMASTER - Det glömda yrket
« Svar #18 skrivet: 2006-04-26, 13:05:10 »
Äh, du är nog bara lite ringrostig Johnny! ;)

Ge det lite tid så går det!

Utloggad Ceder

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BEASTMASTER - Det glömda yrket
« Svar #19 skrivet: 2006-04-26, 13:13:46 »
Äh JH du gör fel ju :cartman

Utloggad DeadHead

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BEASTMASTER - Det glömda yrket
« Svar #20 skrivet: 2006-05-03, 11:57:20 »
Postade på knagglig engelska (under mitt GW-namn Acire) på gwonline's forum ang. hur ett beasmaster bygge kan se ut, samt hur man går tillväga för att kontrollera sin pet.

Så här skrev jag i alla fall:

Ok, imagine you're facing a group of five mobs, here's how to do it:

1. You launch the initial attack, a long bow is very nice for this but not necessary.

2. As soon as your pet starts running towards your target, back away. I control my character with the keyboard, so I don't know if clicking on the ground would make the pet behave differently.

3. When you back away, do so in ONE sequence. Don't run, stop, run, stop, cause that will probably make your pet wanna follow you again.

4. Keep your eye on the radar as you run away, as soon as you see that the mobs stops following you, stay put.

5. If the pet now starts running towards you again, do the cancelled-attack trick, as I tried to describe earlier in this thread.

6. Once your pet starts beating on one enemy, and they all start beating on your pet, you can stand at a safe distance, "cancel-attacking" enemy after enemy until they're all dead!

Tråden jag refererar till ser ni nedan:

Utloggad DeadHead

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SV: BEASTMASTER - Det glömda yrket
« Svar #21 skrivet: 2006-08-05, 22:51:02 »
Från en forumtråd på GW Online, postat av Gaile:


James Phinney took time today to write out some additional and more-detailed information about the Pet DP issue, and it's great to get his insight into this because there really is a lot of good news. First, I want to say, the times that James and I have had to discuss this issue have been very abbreviated. He's been in a ton of meetings or busy with design work; I've been swamped with community and website projects, so we've not had a chance to really get into the details of the matter. For any miscommunications that have occurred, I apologize deeply.

Let me tell you what James has said, specifically, about the issues of Pet DP:

According to James, the designers "are in no hurry to add Pet DP to PvE. If we took the current mechanics (especially lack of controls) and simply added DP, it would be horrible.” Therefore, it's not their intention to add DP in the near future. The recent addition to PvE truly was an accident, they did not forecast a quick timeline for the DP addition.

As you know, James had mentioned when we rolled the PvE DP back out that before it was added it would be going through internal testing. When he mentioned testing, he was looking at the possibility that it might take place over the course of several months. As he said, "PvE Beastmasters are far from overpowered. It benefits no one for us to nerf them. It doesn't hurt anything for us to take our time thinking about this potential change."

Parity between PvP and PvE is definitely a desire of the designers, but it's important to know that they are flexible and only consider it a reasonable goal if it impacts positively on both aspects of the game. James said, "It would be stupid to blindly insist that all things must be exactly the same in PvE and PvP. I think we've already shown a willingness to make exceptions where we have to. But I hope everyone can agree that it's better for things to be consistent when they can. If the rules for DP can be the same everywhere, we'll do that. Writing test code to give pets DP on the test servers was the first step in trying to see if it could work. That’s all it was."

Pet controls are coming, and those controls will make playing a Beastmaster much, much better. They're actually not that far down on the list of features that will greatly improve the game. James put it this way, "I said that pet controls should not be expected soon so we wouldn't get burned by making any false promises. As I have seen in the past, it is not safe for me to say that things are on the way unless I'm 99% sure of when they'll be done." However, the bottom line is that pet controls are coming, and everyone here believes that DP in PvE should not be rolled out until the controls are in place.

Thanks for all your thoughts, which you can be sure have been read by many of the designers. They share links and discuss threads on a daily basis; in fact, when I go into the designers' rooms, I usually see one or more screen opened to a fansite forum. Thanks for sharing your concerns, and for expressing so many excellent ideas about the profession and the attributes."

Låter mumma när det blir verklighet! :)  :banana

Utloggad Crimson

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SV: BEASTMASTER - Det glömda yrket
« Svar #22 skrivet: 2006-08-06, 13:30:57 »

Underbart!  :supporter

=[OG]= GW Division Coach


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