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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #30 skrivet: 2012-01-22, 18:49:36 »
Companion gifts - giving is receiving!
Todays tip is an easy one.  Buy gifts for your companions to increase their affection score.  What is the point of that?  Here is what BioWare have to say about it:

Citat från: David Hunt link=
Companion affection improves your crafting efficiency and crit chance.

That means that when you send them on crew missions it is more likely they will return with higher yields and potential extra goodies like schematics.

There are two ways to improve your companion affection.  The first is to make conversation choices that the currently summoned companion likes.  The other is easier although it costs a few credits.  You can buy them gifts from Companion Gift Vendors.  There is one of those on the Imperial Fleet opposite the GTN kiosks.  A basic grade 1 gift will give about 140 points if the companion has below 1000 affection points.  It decreases as the total score goes up.  So when they have about 6000 points a grade 1 gift will probably give 0 points.  That is why they have grades up to 5.  Even when you hit 5 they have different classes, like green, blue, purple.  A purple one gives over 400 points even when you are at 9000 affection points.  I just maxed out Khem Val and Talos Drellik in about 30-45 minutes.

It costs 200 for a grade 1 gift and about 500-600 for a grade 2 gift.  A great place to find cheap ones it on the GTN.  Select the "Miscellaneous" category and then sort by the price column.  I was able to find loads of grade 5 purple ones for less than 2000 credits each.  I bought as many as I could find, there were several grade 1 and 2 items for less than 100 credits.

Gift Types
There are several gift types like "Cultural Artifact" and "Courting".  Each companion likes and loves different ones.  I used the swftor-spy companion guide to tell which gifts were the most suitable for each person.  For Khem and Talos it was easy as they both love cultural artifact.  On the swtor-spy site "Love" is the gift to aim for.  Like and Favourite give you less points.

Extra Bonus
As the companions affection increases you will find they want to talk to you more frequently.  This gives you extra opportunities to bond with them and gain extra points.  Take Talos for example.  He kept talking about his old mentor and archaeological digs.  All I had to do was keep agreeing with him that they were both great and when he mentioned his mentor was in trouble I picked the options that meant I would support him.  That gave loads of points and in the end he pledged his eternal allegiance to me  :supporter

Free affection points!
An easy way to quickly buff a characters affection level is to summon them just before each quest related conversation.  I prefer to run around with Khem Val as he's good for fighting but just before I start any conversation I dismiss him and summon Kevel.  This way I get to use Khem for most things and just raise points for Kevel.  I've already got the maximum 10k points for Khem  :cartman


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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #31 skrivet: 2012-01-28, 02:15:51 »
Rest Areas RIP
You may remember my other post about rest areas.  Well, things change when you reach level 50 as you no longer have to bother with rest areas.

You don't get any more XP so there's no point making your way back to the cantina or your ship for the double XP buff.  You can go back to how fun it was at the start when you just logged off in front of the next mission you're going for.  Yaaaaay!

Utloggad xanrag

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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #32 skrivet: 2012-01-28, 13:25:30 »
I usually end my gaming in my ship or imperial fleet anyway, not for the xp but because that is where you get the daily quests and the load times are much faster when logging in..
Casual SWTOR-spelare (Imperial Agent Operative Healer EU-Frostclaw)

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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #33 skrivet: 2012-01-28, 18:38:39 »
I mostly log out in the Cantina/Dance place on Curosant just so that i know my character will have a good time while im gone.

bada boom
WoW Officer Outland AK
Zachim / Kemo / Thingol

Argent Dawn
Curul / Sarakiel

/Tobias Emdebrant


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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #34 skrivet: 2012-01-29, 06:11:43 »
Ha, I like that logic.  Had not considered what they would do in their down time.  I think I'll do the same.  At the moment they're partying aboard my ship, 4 guys and 1 twilek girl in a slave girl costume...


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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #35 skrivet: 2012-01-30, 22:19:57 »
Tinker with the Chat Text
If you right click on the General tab, the actual tab, no where else, then you will get an extra set of menu commands that let you alter how the chat box appears and works.  You can add new tabs, create private channels and change the color scheme.

Something to note is that if you use the right click menu to create a custom channel you can't seem to use the menu to remove it.  To do that just type:

/cleave Test

If "Test" was the channel name you made.

Utloggad Ceder

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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #36 skrivet: 2012-02-09, 16:05:22 »
Innan vi börjar leka med en massa hardmode och operations så kanske vi skulle vilja ha en +10 till alla stats datacron. Rätt svår att få och det behövs en del grejer innan man kan få den.

De 2 saker som behövs är grappling hook och en kristall från corellia. MGGS (grappling hook) köper du av  en vendor som står i Juran Mountains på alderaan, koordinaterna är 1870, 1090. Tror den kostar 10k creds. Kristallen kan man hitta på corellia, axial park, koordiaterna är 688, 34. Den är rätt lätt att hitta och hamnar i ditt inventory.

Sedan ska man till Ziost shadow där man måste göra en massa "skoj". Video av hela grejen har vi här..
Och en genomgång av det har vi här..


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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #37 skrivet: 2012-03-02, 10:13:55 »
Tips och trix för bonus bossen i "The False Emperor" som vi L336 inte fixade i går   :camper

Zharot on Begeren Colony
There is a lot that you can do to make the Sith Entity bonus boss fight easier, and mostly it has to do with managing timing.

The Sith Entity doesn't have an enrage timer so much as he has an enrage phase. After a fixed amount of time as the boss-class Entity, he will split into three strong-class adds (without Boss Immunity, so they can be stunned and knockbacked/harpooned) three times. After the third split, he'll be enraged and start killing people. It doesn't matter at all how much time you spend fighting the adds, you always spend the same amount of time fighting the merged boss and he's always enraged as soon as you finish off the third set of adds.

The adds also always spawn in the same place every time, on the square where the Entity was initially floating. The melee add spawns in front of the circle, and uses Whirling Blow/Lacerate, a melee range AOE. The ranged add spawns on the rear left corner of the circle, and spams Force Lightning and will not move unless moved with an ability (Harpoon, knockback, etc.) Healer add spawns on the back rear corner, spams Benevolence and a weak instant lightning attack that I barely noticed when healing, and will also not move unless moved.

Since the boss's enrage timer is effectively on hold while fighting these adds, the strategy is simply to minimize damage in this phase and leisurely work down the adds, letting buffs rebuild, cooldowns recharge, and resources refill. The tank should pick up the melee add and tank it on top of the ranged add, and focus on interrupting the ranged add's Force Lightning. The DPS burn down the healing add, then switch to one of the other adds (melee if you have any melee DPS, ranged otherwise), then just work down the remaining add with their free attacks. Once the adds are down and the boss Sith Entity reappears, let the tank get aggro, then pop your cooldowns and burn the boss as hard as possible before the next add phase.

If the boss does reach enrage (and it probably will if you still need gear from FE), the tank should kite and buy time. If you have any melee DPSers, though, they need to wait and used ranged attacks only until after the first Overload knockback attack, because it will likely one-shot them and it's the first special ability he uses after enraging.

That's how you do the Sith Entity fight. Slow-roll the adds, hard burn on the boss, kite when he enrages. I've dragged DPSers in half greens through this fight using this strategy.

Also, for Malgus, if you have a well-geared DPSer (all Tio-equivalent with some Colu pieces, at least) who is relatively resistant to pushback, it's possible to kill Malgus without the need for knockback. Your well-geared DPSers should save their offensive cooldowns. If they are picked for the last Doubt phase (generally after the second Unlimited Power), pop everything and burn like crazy. It's possible to just kill Malgus stone dead before he goes into his damage-immune-knockback-vulnerable phase. This is kind of a gimmick, but it's worth trying for bragging rights.


Utloggad Ceder

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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #38 skrivet: 2012-03-02, 10:28:24 »
Ja sista bossen hade vi nog kanske kunnat bränna innan han blev immun.. Vi började ju flytta honom runt 14-15% och när han drog sin lightning grej efter vi flyttat och joxat runt så var han ju nere på 8-9%.. Dock är det ju säkert jobbigt ifall han INTE står på rätt ställe och man inte klarar av att ta ner han innan hans lightning fas..

Vi får testa igen allså.. Bonus bossen var ju inte nära att dö nån gång ens men vi borde ju kunna ta honom med tanke på hur smärtfritt resten gick


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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #39 skrivet: 2012-03-02, 11:45:51 »
Ah shucks, I had FE unlocked but never got to play it.  Lucky me though, I read that server character transfers are going to be available in late April so I can finally return to SWTOR (^_^)v

Utloggad Ceder

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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #40 skrivet: 2012-03-02, 12:37:22 »
Just hope that you can transfer from a PVP server to a non PVP one..

Utloggad Braxen

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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #41 skrivet: 2012-03-02, 13:28:45 »
Har någon sett om det finns GUI att ladda ner?
Scouterna gör unga redo för livet genom äventyr och utmaningar som får dem att växa som individer. Våra värderingar genomsyrar allt vi gör - vi är schyssta kompisar!

Utloggad Kemo

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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #42 skrivet: 2012-03-02, 14:39:22 »
I wow vill jag minnas att det var lättare att flytta från pvp till pve än tvärt om. Dom ser det väl som att upplvlingen är lättare på en pve server? och därför ska folk inte lvla upp där och sen komma över till en pvp. Men jag kan ha fel, det har hänt förr.
WoW Officer Outland AK
Zachim / Kemo / Thingol

Argent Dawn
Curul / Sarakiel

/Tobias Emdebrant


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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #43 skrivet: 2012-03-02, 14:47:52 »
Well I'd rather stick with a PVP server if there was really that big a difference between PVP and PVE in SWTOR.  That's a lot of abbreviations!  As far as I can tell, the only real PVP areas are the whole of Ilum and the northern area Tatooine.  Since you can just set your tag to PVP in PVE it's the same thing except for those two areas.  I'm not too arsed about PVP anyway since you don't get anything for it atm i.e. no Valour Points (except in Ilum war zones).

They are being a bit sketchy on the details of character transfers.  Like they are saying there may be a problem transfering the legacy over.  I don't mind repicking it as long as all my legacy points are also transferred.  I think once they've brought all of the servers online they should offer the transfer for free, at least once so the community can re-shuffle itself a bit.  I don't mind paying though if it's not too much.  I'm well looking forward to doing the Flash Points with you all.

Utloggad Ceder

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SV: Tips & Tricks
« Svar #44 skrivet: 2012-03-02, 18:59:11 »
Har någon sett om det finns GUI att ladda ner?

De har inte ordnat så man kan modda swtor än så nej, inga custom ui alls..


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