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Författare Ämne: SimCity  (läst 29984 gånger)

0 medlemmar och 2 gäster tittar på detta ämne.

Utloggad rav

  • aka Ravage
  • =[OG]=Ledningsgrupp
  • Två fötter i graven
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 2 234
  • Rock on!
SV: SimCity
« Svar #75 skrivet: 2013-04-12, 12:20:23 »
Fasiken vad tråkigt, själv läsnade jag när jag har 10m och ingen utmaning längre. Bilarna kör som de vill, kollektivtrafiken är kass, borgmästarbetyget är totalt värdelöst. Jag nolltaxerar har inga brott inga bränder och alla fasiliteter och får 70-75% eller så har jag massa kriminalitet bara köer inga skolor, straffskatt, folk som dör och massa uteliggare och får över 85%. Hur funkar det??? nej så detta är årets flopp enligt mig, Ett simcity ska man kunna spela i flera år, inte bara en hypad månad.


Utloggad Letalis

  • =[OG]=Ledningsgrupp
  • Pensionerad och lycklig
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1 367
    • Hemligastugan
SV: SimCity
« Svar #76 skrivet: 2013-04-12, 12:51:33 »
Igår kväll så flöt allt på som det skulle i min nya stad, Kårsta. Idag när jag loggade in så såg jag att allt jag byggde senaste timmen igår inte var byggt. Inga felmeddelanden eller någonting. Efter ca 45 min spel nu på morgonen med kaffekoppen i högernäven så fick jag samma felmeddelande som tidigare att rollback behövdes. Detta var nu droppen för mig och jag ber er trogna SimCity spelare att skriva här på forumet när de har patchat upp spelet så det blir spelbart igen för trots att det är ett enormt kul spel så lägger jag nu av. Ospelbart för mig.

Fasiken vad tråkigt, själv läsnade jag när jag har 10m och ingen utmaning längre. Bilarna kör som de vill, kollektivtrafiken är kass, borgmästarbetyget är totalt värdelöst. Jag nolltaxerar har inga brott inga bränder och alla fasiliteter och får 70-75% eller så har jag massa kriminalitet bara köer inga skolor, straffskatt, folk som dör och massa uteliggare och får över 85%. Hur funkar det??? nej så detta är årets flopp enligt mig, Ett simcity ska man kunna spela i flera år, inte bara en hypad månad.

Kan bara hålla med. Har tappat sugen fn att lira det. Och ryktet gör gällande på EAs Simcity forumet att Patch 2.0 inte kommer förrens strax efter Mac releasen som är den 11 Juni...

Att 10 års utveckling kan leda till något så dåligt som detta spel är i skick.
Hade jag presterat så dåligt i en vecka på jobbet så hade jag fasiken blivit av med jobbet.
Man skall icke stöta till muggen med kaffet när den är full. Då är den inte full längre

Utloggad Letalis

  • =[OG]=Ledningsgrupp
  • Pensionerad och lycklig
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1 367
    • Hemligastugan
SV: SimCity
« Svar #77 skrivet: 2013-04-12, 21:40:58 »
Fet uppdatering. Oklart exakt vad som händer och sker i den men Maxis säger följande om den:
Currently In Development

We have an update for you, Mayors. We’re currently working on a number of fixes/improvements in our Development Test environment, the majority of which will be added to our next updates.

Once we’re ready to release these fixes, we’ll update this thread with more details.

In the meantime, we’re also working on improvements on our Public Test Server. You can see these changes right now, so we encourage you to try them out on the Test server. Here’s what’s on it right now:

Updates currently on our Public Test Server:

• Join Region Filter: Results will only show regions with available slots.
• Leaderboards: Leaderboards restored.

Updates currently in our Development Test environment:

What’s New

• Mayors Mansion: Mayor will now drive his fancy cars to work. Mayor will take his helicopter, limo, or sports car if the modules are present.
• Data maps: Now show in their normal color when a color filter is enabled (unless in a colorblind mode)
• HUD: Now color-corrects when in a colorblind mode.

Fixes and Updates
• Cities not Processing/rollbacks: Fix to mitigate the chance of future occurrences of cities not processing and rollbacks.
• Leaderboards: Restoring leaderboards to all servers.
• Invitations: Invitations to join a region should be sent and received more quickly.
• Region Filters: Now sorts regions with available cities to the top
• Tourism: Fixes for unexplained fluctuation of tourists. Tourists more smartly counted on transit.
• Casinos: Casinos tuned so that Gambling will be a more profitable specialty. Players can bulldoze and replace existing casinos to see effects of tuning.
• More Casinos: Raised module limit on Sci-Fi and Sleek Casinos to 6 modules.
• Region Play: Cash gifts can now be received in a bankrupt city.
• Education: Fixed school buses getting stuck at the high school. Existing Schools will fix themselves.
• Education: Fixed school buses picking up students at neighboring cities that didn’t have school bus stops.
• Education: Fix to more accurately track regional student population.
• Education: Fix where kids leaving the school bus stop would teleport to the nearest pedestrian path instead of walking directly into the school.
• Education: University wings now give the proper bonus.
• Recycling: Fix for the Recycling Center where it would sometimes stop working, recycling services will visit other cities.
• Air pollution: Fixed issue where air pollution would appear to come from nowhere. Fix issues where your regional air pollution would be reflected back into your box for a double penalty.
• Fire Service: Fire Trucks don’t clump, dispatch to fires more efficiently.
• Water: Water pumps are now capable of pumping water from rivers at a larger radius so they can take better advantage of the water table in a city.
• Disasters: Cooldown for random disasters: Some players were getting hit too frequently with random disasters, this introduces a cooldown where no random disasters will occur.
• Trade: Fix for trade ports that suddenly stop shipping.
• Transit: Street Cars and Buses go to high volume stops first.
• Transit: A city with residents and public transit will now provide the accurate amount of workers and shoppers to its neighbors.
• Transit: A transit vehicle stuck in a pick-up or drop off loop will now go back to a garage instead of trying to pick up more people.
• Transit: Neighbors buses will now come in lower numbers into the city and do a better job at picking up local passengers first.
• Tuning: Residential-only cities have failure state.
• Budgets: Fixed bug with monthly transactions being used to get around systems pushing back.
Man skall icke stöta till muggen med kaffet när den är full. Då är den inte full längre

Utloggad rav

  • aka Ravage
  • =[OG]=Ledningsgrupp
  • Två fötter i graven
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 2 234
  • Rock on!
SV: SimCity
« Svar #78 skrivet: 2013-04-13, 14:03:31 »
Det är väl som med så många andra spel nu för tiden. Man får låta det gå 6 månader efter release. Sedan kan man börja spela.
Undra vad de ha beta tester till...

Jaja, jag lägger nog spelet på hyllan tills minst 2.0 iaf.

Utloggad Letalis

  • =[OG]=Ledningsgrupp
  • Pensionerad och lycklig
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1 367
    • Hemligastugan
SV: SimCity
« Svar #79 skrivet: 2013-04-20, 08:18:06 »
Update 2.0 is going live Monday, April 22 at 1pm PST.

What’s New

• Mayors Mansion: Mayors will now drive their fancy cars to work. Mayors will take their helicopter, limo, or sports car if the modules are present.
• HUD: Now color-corrects when in a colorblind mode.
• Data map: Data maps show the filtered color when a color filter is enabled (unless in a colorblind mode)

Fixes and Updates

• Cities not Processing: Mitigates some of the issues that were causing cities not to process. We are continuing to work on and improve this issue.
• Region Filters: Now sorts regions with available cities to the top
• Invitations: Invitations to join a region should be sent and received more quickly.
• Tourism: Fixes for unexplained fluctuation of tourists. Tourists more smartly counted on transit.
- Cruise ships are now more effective at bringing medium and high wealth tourists in coastal cities.
- New tourists will now decide to come into a city once leaving tourists reach train stations, bus depots, or cruise ship docs instead of waiting for those tourists to go out to the region first.
- This change will reduce the downtime of tourist buildings.
• Casinos: Casinos tuned so that Gambling will be a more profitable specialty. Players can bulldoze and replace existing casinos to see effects of tuning.
- The larger casinos now invite more tourists into the city which helps keep them full.
- Note that existing casinos will need to be replaced to take advantage of this change.
• More Casinos: Raised module limit on Sci-Fi and Sleek Casinos to 6 modules.
• Region Play: Cash gifts can now be received in a bankrupt city.
• Education: Fixed school buses getting stuck at the high school. Existing Schools will fix themselves.
• Education: Fixed school buses picking up students at neighboring cities that didn’t have school bus stops.
• Education: Fix to more accurately track regional student population.
• Education: Fix where kids leaving the school bus stop would teleport to the nearest pedestrian path instead of walking directly into the school.
• Education: University wings now give the proper bonus.
• Recycling: Fix for the Recycling Center where it would sometimes stop working, recycling services will visit other cities.
• Air pollution: Fixed issue where air pollution would appear to come from nowhere. Fix issues where your regional air pollution would be reflected back into your box for a double penalty.
• Fire Service: Fire Trucks don’t clump, dispatch to fires more efficiently.
• Water: Water pumps are now capable of pumping water from rivers at a larger radius so they can take better advantage of the water table in a city.
• Disasters: Cooldown for random disasters: Some players were getting hit too frequently with random disasters, this introduces a cooldown where no random disasters will occur.
• Trade: Fix for trade ports that suddenly stop shipping.
• Transit: Street Cars and Buses go to high volume stops first.
• Transit: A city with residents and public transit will now provide the accurate amount of workers and shoppers to its neighbors.
• Transit: A transit vehicle stuck in a pick-up or drop off loop will now go back to a garage instead of trying to pick up more people.
- Transit vehicles should recover automatically after the update. If players want to force the recovery, turn off the stops that are having looping issues, wait a few game hours, then turn them back on.
• Transit: Neighbors buses will now come in lower numbers into the city and do a better job at picking up local passengers first.
• Residential Tuning: Residential-only cities have failure state.
- Buildings are prevented from going up in density when they don’t have power or water.
- The amount of happiness gained from low taxes, police, fire, and health outreach has been lowered.
- Fixed some cases where buildings would not go abandoned when they should have.
- Higher density residential buildings are no longer blocked from going abandoned due to not having enough money.
- Happiness from low taxes does not double up every time it is given.
- Losing happiness due to not having a job is more impactful.
• Budgets: Fixed bug that prevented systems like fire, abandonment, garbage, and sewage from turning on when they were supposed to.
• Audio: Fixes issue where audio will stop working after creating a large city or where phantom audio sounds play in a city.
• Demolish: Fixes issue that occurred when players demolished buildings that had service vehicles, delivery vehicles, or agents out in the city or region. Previously, the agents would be in a state of limbo and would not recover when new buildings of that type were placed. This will no longer happen.
Man skall icke stöta till muggen med kaffet när den är full. Då är den inte full längre

Utloggad Letalis

  • =[OG]=Ledningsgrupp
  • Pensionerad och lycklig
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1 367
    • Hemligastugan
SV: SimCity
« Svar #80 skrivet: 2013-05-09, 08:29:08 »
Jag insåg precis att jag missat att posta lite uppdaterings nyheter så här kommer en hel radda..
Kanske dags att börja spela igen:

Update 2.1

• City Processing: Fix for some issues that have caused cities not to process.

Update 2.2

• Addressees a number of crashes reported via Answers HQ (

Update 3.0

• New: Added more Hotel models to increase hotel variety.
• Traffic: Updated routing system to improve traffic. Routing system now understands more information about u-turns, required vehicle stops, and vehicle behavior on certain road types. This should make traffic smarter.
• Traffic: Commercial and industrial buildings stagger their work shifts to start throughout commute hours instead of at the top of the hour. This should reduce traffic.
• Traffic: Fixes one issue where a car won't move causing traffic to back up behind it.
• Traffic: Vehicles can now make right turns on Red. This should improve some cases of traffic.
• Traffic: Trading polish that will improve regional traffic when one city has a lot of jobs and its neighboring city has a lot of workers.
• Air Pollution: Fixed more issues where cities that placed air polluting buildings received large amounts of air pollution from unknown sources.
• Service Vehicles: Fix for disappearing service vehicles on cities that whose vehicles had disappeared before update 2.
• School Buses: Fix for issue where school buses were getting stuck at neighbor's city or arcology.
• Audio: Tuned audio on French Police Station.
• Trading: Fixed issue where fire services were not trading consistently between Brakeman's Folly and Twain in Whitewater Valley.
• Trading: Sewage trading: Sewage will now take a more direct route to regional sewage plant instead of throughout the city.
• Trading: Made gifting more reliable.
• Ferry Terminal: Ferry Terminal can now send its sewage to the output pipe and treatment plant.
• RCI Tuning: Fixed issue where sims going to a park via transit would sometimes lose their money or happiness on the way home.
• RCI Tuning: Bulldozing abandoned or rubble buildings will now prevent new developments for 6-12 hours.
• RCI Tuning: Less Happiness is taken from wealth 2 and 3 buildings when rent is due when no money is present.
• RCI Tuning: Fix for issue some users experienced where buildings would stay abandoned because moving trucks would not be able to move in.
• Trees: Trees now last longer, but also do not eliminate as much ground pollution.
• Radiation: Radiation causes less ground pollution than previously.
• Transit: Changed thought bubble suggestion to add more trains to deal with crowded passenger trains to suggest that you add more train stations.
• Transit: Improvements to lights to make rail look better at night.
• Transit: Streetcar stops can now be placed directly on standalone streetcar tracks, and passengers can walk along the tracks to them.
• Transit: Tuned the chance buses or streetcars will go to high-traffic stops first as a minor traffic improvement.
• Roads: University pedestrian paths can now cross streets.
• Manufacturing Trucks: Fixed issue some users experienced where manufacturing trucks left the city and were lost permanently.
• Delivery Trucks: Fixed issue where some users would experience a loss of resources is their delivery trucks returned to garages without proper storage.
• Sports Parks: Tuned the amount of skateboarders and neighborhood athletes at the sports parks.
• Data Layers: Zones are now visible in heavy data layers.
• Edit Mode: Added more valid snap points in edit mode. This improvement is most noticeable on Parks.
• Buildings: Addressed some cases where buildings would stack on one another.
Man skall icke stöta till muggen med kaffet när den är full. Då är den inte full längre

Utloggad Onavs

  • =[OG]=Medlem
  • Gubbsjuk
  • ****
  • Antal inlägg: 585
  • Att njuta av livets goda är att älska sig själv
SV: SimCity
« Svar #81 skrivet: 2013-05-19, 23:11:34 »
Bumpar den här tråden då jag har skaffat Simcity.

Utloggad Letalis

  • =[OG]=Ledningsgrupp
  • Pensionerad och lycklig
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1 367
    • Hemligastugan
SV: SimCity
« Svar #82 skrivet: 2013-05-19, 23:41:05 »
Update 3.1 Notes

• Addresses a number of crashes reported via Answers HQ (
• Fixes for camera control related issues

Dom verkar göra det lätt för sig att peka på en allmän sida för rapporterade fel.
Vad är det egentligen som dom åtgärdar?
Man skall icke stöta till muggen med kaffet när den är full. Då är den inte full längre

Utloggad Letalis

  • =[OG]=Ledningsgrupp
  • Pensionerad och lycklig
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1 367
    • Hemligastugan
SV: SimCity
« Svar #83 skrivet: 2013-05-22, 21:15:11 »
Update 4.0 Notes

• New: SimCity Launch Park, an exclusive new park just for our dedicated fans who were early adopters.
• New: Region: Edgewater Bay. Seven city sites in one cluster around a beautiful bay with one great work site.
• New: Your current server will now be shown in the options menu.
• New: More detailed rollover information on buildings telling player’s if their Sims received happiness from a park or from shopping. Previous to this fix, this information was generic.
• Re-Enabled Feature: Global Market prices now dynamically change during gameplay.
• Re-Enabled Feature: Leaderboards are will be active on EU West 3, Pacific 1 and Pacific 2 at the release. We will enable them on additional servers throughout the day.
• Re-Enabled Feature: Region filters are now enabled on all SimCity servers. Players will be able to search for open games by Map Name, Sandbox Mode, and Abandoned Cities.
• Rain Clouds: Fixed an issue where some cities would not have rain clouds to replenish their water table. If you had a city with this issue, you will start seeing clouds again within a game day.
• Fire: Improved response time of fire trucks to fires. Improved the time it takes for a fire signal to reach a fire station.
• Mission updates: Tuned Metals HQ and Community College missions. These were appearing too early, making them difficult to complete. They now appear later in a city’s development.
• Solar Farm Great Work: Reduced fire risk at the Solar Farm Great work. Local fire engines were spending too much time at the Solar Farm.
• Messaging: Improved pre-requisite messaging for Trade Port, Casinos, Smelting Factory and Oil Refinery. It should be clearer on how to unlock these buildings.
• Graphics: Fix for flickering low wealth buildings on NVIDIA graphics cards.
• Education: Fix for an issue some cities experienced where commuting students did not return from a neighbor’s city. This was causing a problem where students would disappear from a city in some cases.
• Tuning: Sims will lose a small amount of happiness if they don’t have a place to shop. Cities without places to shop will see complaints and feel the effect of unhappy Sims. This will emphasize the importance of commercial zones.

Man skall icke stöta till muggen med kaffet när den är full. Då är den inte full längre

Utloggad Letalis

  • =[OG]=Ledningsgrupp
  • Pensionerad och lycklig
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1 367
    • Hemligastugan
SV: SimCity
« Svar #84 skrivet: 2013-05-24, 21:35:02 »
Mums. Lite extra godis,
Man skall icke stöta till muggen med kaffet när den är full. Då är den inte full längre

Utloggad Foppa

  • =[OG]=Medlem
  • En fot i graven
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1 534
SV: SimCity
« Svar #85 skrivet: 2013-05-25, 09:02:26 »
Japp då har jag det me så jag kommer in sen

Utloggad Letalis

  • =[OG]=Ledningsgrupp
  • Pensionerad och lycklig
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1 367
    • Hemligastugan
SV: SimCity
« Svar #86 skrivet: 2013-06-06, 23:00:52 »
Såg precis att följande fix kommer med update 5
Garbage Trucks and Recycling Trucks: Fixed an issue that some cities experienced where garbage and recycling trucks do not leave their buildings or disappeared when trading service with neighbors. Existing cities who have trucks that have disappeared will have to demolish their missing trucks’ garages and plop new garages.

Som det verkar nu få måste man riva sin soptipp och inte dela med sig till regionen när man byggt den igen.

Man skall icke stöta till muggen med kaffet när den är full. Då är den inte full längre

Utloggad Letalis

  • =[OG]=Ledningsgrupp
  • Pensionerad och lycklig
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1 367
    • Hemligastugan
SV: SimCity
« Svar #87 skrivet: 2013-06-08, 20:51:10 »
Currently In Development

Hi Mayors – below you'll find the notes that are in development for Update 5.0.

Update 5 is focused on improvements to Multiplayer and Multi-city Play
•   New: Historic Price charts for Global Market resources are available from the SimCity World button on the main menu.
•   New: The Region Wall chat has been completely updated with a new look and new functionality! Chat functions more efficiently and it’s much easier to communicate with other players. Time stamps show on chat messages on rollover. Regional events are easier to read and can be toggled on and off.
•   New: Added a filter for friends’ regions in the join region section.
•   New: Trading control. Added feature to give players more control over their utilities. Players can now choose whether or not to keep their power, water, or sewage local. This setting can be found on the information panel accessible by clicking on the power plant, water tower, or sewage pipe or plant. Sharing with the region is on by default.
•   New: Regional Missions: Added seven new regional missions: Drink It Up!, Plug In, So Stoked, The Wheels on the Bus, Ferry Dust, Station to Station, and Riding Coach.
•   New: Regional Achievement: Added a new regional achievement, Field Trip!
•   Gifting Improvements: Cash gifts are now delivered electronically, not by truck. This should improve the efficiency of gifting.
•   Resource gifts: Resource gifts will happen more reliably. Multiple trucks can make deliveries at once if they are available in the sending city and the truck capacities have been increased.
•   Great Works Improvements: Delivery trucks will mark their resources as dropped off as soon as they reach the Great Works, instead of when they arrive back in the city. This will make tracking time more reliable.
•   Great Works Improvements: Update to have all resources at Great Works handled at the regional level. This will address players in different cities seeing different resources once the server has processed the region and cities.
•   Great Works Improvements: Fixed an issue where an Arcology would maintain power from the region and fixed an issue where shoppers would not increase at the Arcology as it was leveled up. This will update in both existing and new Arcologies.
•   Great Works Improvements: Tuned the Solar Farm.
•   Regional Unlocks: The advanced coal mine unlocks regionally. Fixed issue where the Trade HQ sometimes did not unlock.
•   Fire Advisor Trading clarity: Tuned the Fire advisor so they do not tell you that neighbors are sending fire trucks when your neighbor has no fire stations.
•   Trading: School buses that travel from a neighbor’s city will show that city’s avatar.
•   Regional Commuting: Fixed an issue where Sims would not be able to take transit out of cities with lots of streetcars or shuttle buses. This could cause some cases where commuting Sims could not return home and their homes would go abandoned.
•   Garbage Trucks and Recycling Trucks: Fixed an issue that some cities experienced where garbage and recycling trucks do not leave their buildings or disappeared when trading service with neighbors. Existing cities who have trucks that have disappeared will have to demolish their missing trucks’ garages and plop new garages.
•   Text Clarification: The “Out of Money” message now says “Can’t find work” when appropriate in rollover feedback and the approval rating UI. This is to clarify your Sims’ actual need.
Man skall icke stöta till muggen med kaffet när den är full. Då är den inte full längre

Utloggad Letalis

  • =[OG]=Ledningsgrupp
  • Pensionerad och lycklig
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1 367
    • Hemligastugan
SV: SimCity
« Svar #88 skrivet: 2013-06-18, 23:25:14 »
Och då har dom släppt senaste uppdateringen.
Hi Mayors -- below you'll find the notes for Update 5.

While Update 5 is being deployed, we'll also be performing scheduled database upgrades on the following servers:

Europe West 2
Europe West 3
Europe East 2
Europe East 1
Europe East 3

These servers will come back later today.

Update 5 is focused on improvements to Multiplayer and Multi-city Play

• New: Historic Price charts for Global Market resources are available from the SimCity World button on the main menu.
• New: The Region Wall chat has been completely updated with a new look and new functionality! Chat functions more efficiently and it’s much easier to communicate with other players. Time stamps show on chat messages on rollover. Regional events are easier to read and can be toggled on and off.
• New: Added a filter for friends’ regions in the join region section.
• New: Trading control. Added feature to give players more control over their utilities. Players can now choose whether or not to keep their power, water, or sewage local. This setting can be found on the information panel accessible by clicking on the power plant, water tower, or sewage pipe or plant. Sharing with the region is on by default.
• New: Regional Missions: Added seven new regional missions: Drink It Up!, Plug In, So Stoked, The Wheels on the Bus, Ferry Dust, Station to Station, and Riding Coach.
• New: Regional Achievement: Added a new regional achievement, Field Trip!
• Gifting Improvements: Cash gifts are now delivered electronically, not by truck. This should improve the efficiency of gifting.
• Resource gifts: Resource gifts will happen more reliably. Multiple trucks can make deliveries at once if they are available in the sending city and the truck capacities have been increased.
• Great Works Improvements: Delivery trucks will mark their resources as dropped off as soon as they reach the Great Works, instead of when they arrive back in the city. This will make tracking time more reliable.
• Great Works Improvements: Update to have all resources at Great Works handled at the regional level. This will address players in different cities seeing different resources once the server has processed the region and cities.
• Great Works Improvements: Fixed an issue where an Arcology would maintain power from the region and fixed an issue where shoppers would not increase at the Arcology as it was leveled up. This will update in both existing and new Arcologies.
• Great Works Improvements: Tuned the Solar Farm.
• Regional Unlocks: The advanced coal mine unlocks regionally. Fixed issue where the Trade HQ sometimes did not unlock.
• Fire Advisor Trading clarity: Tuned the Fire advisor so they do not tell you that neighbors are sending fire trucks when your neighbor has no fire stations.
• Trading: School buses that travel from a neighbor’s city will show that city’s avatar.
• Regional Commuting: Fixed an issue where Sims would not be able to take transit out of cities with lots of streetcars or shuttle buses. This could cause some cases where commuting Sims could not return home and their homes would go abandoned.
• Garbage Trucks and Recycling Trucks: Fixed an issue that some cities experienced where garbage and recycling trucks do not leave their buildings or disappeared when trading service with neighbors. Existing cities who have trucks that have disappeared will have to demolish their missing trucks’ garages and plop new garages.
• Text Clarification: The “Out of Money” message now says “Can’t find work” when appropriate in rollover feedback and the approval rating UI. This is to clarify your Sims’ actual need.
Man skall icke stöta till muggen med kaffet när den är full. Då är den inte full längre

Utloggad Letalis

  • =[OG]=Ledningsgrupp
  • Pensionerad och lycklig
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1 367
    • Hemligastugan
SV: SimCity
« Svar #89 skrivet: 2013-06-29, 09:46:45 »
Jag har byggt ett arkologibygge och behöver er hjälp.

Sen undrar jag om någon av er har märkt av att export av varor inte fungerar sedan senaste uppdateringen.
Jag har bland annat Olja, Processorer och legeringar som inte vill exporteras och orsakar fulla lager och folk blir arbetslösa..
Har ca 16000 lediga jobb i min stad och folk klagar på att dom inte hittar några jobb.
Börjar tröttna ordentligt på detta spel... :-/
« Senast ändrad: 2013-06-29, 09:48:41 by Letalis »
Man skall icke stöta till muggen med kaffet när den är full. Då är den inte full längre


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