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Författare Ämne: GW1 - Nyheter och patchar  (läst 69565 gånger)

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Utloggad Johnny Hazard

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #60 skrivet: 2006-08-24, 22:29:26 »
Men ingen ny level cap va´?  :smoke

"It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum."
"My Big Fat Excuse is on cooldown!"

Utloggad Ceder

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #61 skrivet: 2006-08-24, 23:55:21 »
Det lär nog aldrig komma... Vad jag läst så är det inga planer på att höja lvl:n mer...

Utloggad DeadHead

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #62 skrivet: 2006-08-25, 00:32:15 »
Men ingen ny level cap va´?  :smoke

Är lite kluven med att höja level cap. På ett sätt är det ju roligt att utveckla sin gubbe så att den blir bättre och bättre, samtidigt som jag vet vilken fantastisk tid man fick lägga ned i WoW för att nå lvl 60.

Jag tycker att det system som GW använder sig av idag är riktigt bra. Nya skills får man ju ändå vid varje expansion vilket öppnar för nya intressanta byggen, nya yrken tillkommer som också öppnar upp för helt nytt spelande, och eftersom de inte höjer cappen så får man istället förbättra sig själv och sina spelfärdigheter på ett lite annat sätt jämfört med andra spel kanske.

Spelmässigt i PVE biten så utvecklas vi hela tiden inom CG, avklarandet av ex. Titanuppdragen kändes riktigt nice, likaså när man lyckas få Master på uppdragen i Factions. UW och FoW skrämmer inte så mycket längre, det jobbiga med dessa ställen är den enorma tid de tar att spela igenom. Motsvarande finns även i Factions, men dessa har jag inte provat ännu.

Nightfall ser mycket intressant ut, speciellt de nya "customizable Heroes" som man kan fixa med. DET ska bli riktigt skoj!

Det jag saknar mest i Guild Wars är inte mer innehåll/roligare spel, utan fler spelare att spela med! :)

Utloggad Johnny Hazard

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  • - TK? Men du hade ju fel kläder!
SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #63 skrivet: 2006-08-25, 00:55:54 »
Då lär nog iaf inte jag lira nån mera GW ... vill ju inte ha fler gubbar (o gummor) utan utveckla dem jag redan har. Nåja, Neverwinter Nights 2 kommer ju snart.

Föresten kan ni plocka bort mig som officer, om ni inte redan gjort det, för en officer ska ju banne mig spela spelet och inte bära titeln för titeln skull.

"It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum."
"My Big Fat Excuse is on cooldown!"

Utloggad DeadHead

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #64 skrivet: 2006-08-30, 22:21:52 »
Nightfall lägger tyngdpunkten på PVE som det verkar. Förutom de Heroes som man kan ta med sig, så ser det ut att bjuda på en hel del andra nyheter rent spelmässigt:

The massively multiplayer online game genre has grown hugely in the last couple of years, and so, it seems, has our willingness to pay monthly subscription fees. But Guild Wars, released in April 2005, went against that particular trend and has been highly successful ever since. The Factions expansion followed in April of this year, and the third campaign is due for release in October. It's called Nightfall, and we got to take a look at it in a behind-closed-doors demo at Leipzig's Game Convention.

The first thing to note about Nightfall is that--like the other Guild Wars titles--it can stand alone or be combined with its predecessors. In other words, you don't have to own the original Guild Wars to be able to play Nightfall, but if you do you'll be adding a good chunk of new content to your collection.

The first headline additions to the game are undoubtedly the two new professions that you can choose to undertake. They are the dervish and the paragon, and more details can be found in previous GameSpot coverage.

What's more, you will be tasked with the exploration of a whole new continent, called Elona, which, in terms of environment, will have a North African feel to it. Sure enough, our look at one of the tutorial quests for the game was set in a sandy yet temperate zone, in which the player needed to complete a series of trials set in a massive stone temple.

The trials themselves consisted mainly of recovering stone tablets and placing them on pedestals to open a door to the next phase of the quest. However, something new to Guild Wars is an increased sense of adventure-based immersion, and you will face several new challenges.

These include traps, and we saw both crushing pillars and sideways spurts of flame, which meant that timing of movement was essential. There will also be various riddles to solve throughout the game, particularly in the 20 main story quests (although there will be plenty of other side missions to complete as well). One example of this new puzzle content involved four stone tablets that needed to be placed on four different pedestals. Each tablet could be recovered by killing certain ghosts within the temple, but given that you can carry only one tablet at a time, any tablet placed on a pedestal for any length of time would be stolen away by a respawning ghost. Therefore, you'll need to think of a way around that particular situation before you can proceed.

The tutorial level culminated in a boss fight with a particularly nasty-looking creature. Here again, new ideas have been added to give existing Guild Wars players a new challenge. In this case, the boss itself changes form throughout the fight. Each time the boss changes, it alters not only its appearance, but also its profession, meaning that standard profession tactics won't work for very long. In this way, ArenaNet hope to force players, and groups of players, to think more tactically, thus providing a more interesting and varied challenge.

The story missions will each take between 40 minutes and a couple of hours to complete in theory and will pose a challenge to both beginners and veterans of the game. The level cap won't be increased, so if you're already sporting a level-20 avatar, you'll be pleased to know there will still be plenty to keep you occupied.

The other big addition to the Guild Wars series in Nightfall is the use of heroes. These are companions to your main character that will accompany you in your adventures and follow basic commands. You may have up to three in total, and you can assign them instructions such as attack, defend, and stay back.

Heroes will be fully customisable, down to the equipment they use and the professions they follow. What this means is that the top-end dungeons can now be attempted by just two players, each with a main character and three heroes, totalling up to the maximum of eight characters. This will hopefully make it easier not just to assemble groups for the dungeons, but also to take the pressure away from some of the more role-playing-minded gamers who would prefer to dally a little more and take in the story.

But whilst Nightfall's storyline will have a distinctly player-versus-environment (PVE) feel to it, the heroes will make for some interesting changes to the player-versus-player (PVP) side of things.

For a start, it will now be possible to take on other players with your heroes fighting alongside you, meaning that in effect one-on-one combat will become four-on-four, and battles will have a slight real-time-strategy flavour to them. It should also bring a whole load of additional options in this area, when you consider that instead of thinking about equipping just your own character suitably, you'll need to do the same for three others too, and that should give you plenty to think about.

What's even more interesting is that your initial choice of hero will inform your following choices so that some potential companions may become available--or unavailable--depending on who's already in the team. This should add a degree of replayability to the game as well.

We've come to expect a pretty high standard of visuals from the Guild Wars series to date, and Nightfall will contain further visual enhancements. Tweaks have been made to add more-realistic water and lighting, although system requirements for the game will remain identical to those of the previous titles, which is great news for players with older machines.

The game will ship in standard and collectors' editions, the latter of which will include not just the game itself, but also a making-of DVD and a soundtrack CD featuring additional music by composer Jeremy Soule. Both versions are due for release in late October, although it's possible to buy a prerelease package from September 15 that will give you a few extra goodies once the game's out. These bonuses include an extra character slot, a strategy guide, and in-game surprises for the two new character classes.

(Källa: Gamespot)

Ser verkligen lovande ut, och ett rejält kliv i rätt riktning i förhållande till Factions.

Det som redan är bra ser mao ut att bli bättre! :D  :thumb

Utloggad Ceder

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #65 skrivet: 2006-08-31, 01:03:24 »
The other big addition to the Guild Wars series in Nightfall is the use of heroes. These are companions to your main character that will accompany you in your adventures and follow basic commands. You may have up to three in total, and you can assign them instructions such as attack, defend, and stay back.

Det där låter som nåt jag vill ha till mitt pet också...Men blir det inte så med pet:en så kan man ju undra varför...

Utloggad E-doT

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #66 skrivet: 2006-08-31, 12:45:17 »
...although system requirements for the game will remain identical to those of the previous titles, which is great news for players with older machines.

 Jihoo! :clap

(Jag är såååå trött på laggandet så jag måste verkligen bli klar med min avhandling så jag kan skaffa mig ett jobb med riktig lön så jag kan skaffa en ny dator...)

Utloggad DeadHead

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #67 skrivet: 2006-08-31, 12:58:42 »
The other big addition to the Guild Wars series in Nightfall is the use of heroes. These are companions to your main character that will accompany you in your adventures and follow basic commands. You may have up to three in total, and you can assign them instructions such as attack, defend, and stay back.

Jag och mina 3 BM ranger polare kanske? :)

Utloggad E-doT

  • Old bitter grogghagga
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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #68 skrivet: 2006-09-14, 14:30:47 »
Stor update idag, med justeringar av en massa skills, sannolikt inför Nightfall-helgen om någon vecka.

Och aaah, äntligen! Kartor för Catacombs, Underworld och Fissure of Woe!  :D

Update - Wednesday September 14

    * Updated the art used for bone fiend projectile attacks.
    * Adjusted balance of some monster groups in the Ring of Fire mission and the Ice Floe Explorable area.
    * Adjusted the attributes of Tin Dao Kaineng in Haiju Lagoon.
    * Improved the Mission Map (the window accessed by using the "U" key) so that it works properly in the Catacombs, the Underworld, and Fissure of Woe, where previously it showed only black.


    * Removed one of the Bodyguards and one of the Archers near the Guild Lords.
    * Added two Knights near the Guild Lord. Knights are Warriors with the following skills: Server Artery, Gash, Healing Signet, and Power Attack.
    * Adjusted the positions of Guild Hall NPCs.
    * Shortened the time until "Victory or Death!" to 20 minutes.
    * Modified the "Victory or Death!" effect so that it applies to all players, regardless of where they are on the map.



        * Black Lotus Strike: reduced recharge time to 20 seconds.
        * Blades of Steel: reduced recharge time to 8 seconds.
        * Blinding Powder: Blindness now affects target and all adjacent foes.
        * Crippling Dagger: increased damage to 15..60.
        * Critical Strike: decreased Energy cost to 5.
        * Dark Prison: decreased recharge time to 45 seconds.
        * Dash: decreased recharge time to 8 seconds.
        * Death Blossom: increased damage to 20..45
        * Desperate Strike: increased damage to 15..60.
        * Fox Fangs: increased damage to 5..30.
        * Golden Lotus Strike: increased Energy gained to 5..12
        * Jungle Strike: increased damage to 10..25
        * Locust's Fury: increased chance to double strike to 33%.
        * Nine Tail Strike: decreased recharge time to 8 seconds.
        * Repeating Strike: increased damage to 10..30.
        * Scorpion Wire: decreased cast time to 1 second.
        * Shadow of Haste: decreased Energy cost to 5, increased the duration to 30..60, and decreased the movement speed by 15%.
        * Shadowy Burden: decreased duration to 3..15 seconds.
        * Shroud of Distress: decreased recharge time to 15 seconds.
        * Signet of Malice: decreased recharge time to 5 seconds, decreased casting time to .25 seconds.
        * Siphon Speed: increased movement speed reduction to 33%, and this spell now has half range.
        * Siphon Strength: increased duration to 5..20 seconds.
        * Temple Strike: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds, and increased duration to 1..10 seconds.
        * Unsuspecting Strike: increased conditional damage to 15..75.
        * Way of Perfection: increased Health gained from critical hit to 10..40.
        * Wild Strike: increased damage to 10..35.


        * Mind Burn: decreased Energy cost to 5, decreased recharge time to 5 seconds.
        * Mind Freeze: decreased Energy cost to 5, decreased recharge time to 8 seconds.
        * Mind Shock: decreased Energy cost to 5, decreased recharge time to 8 seconds.
        * Ether Prodigy: increased damage per Energy to 3.


        * Images of Remorse: decreased Health degeneration to 1..3.
        * Leech Signet: decreased recharge time to 30 seconds.
        * Signet of Disruption: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds.


        * Balthazar's Aura: decreased duration to 8 seconds.
        * Bane Signet: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds.
        * Banish: this skill now does double damage vs. summoned creatures.
        * Divine Boon: increased recharge time to 10 seconds, decreased amount healed to 15..60.
        * Extinguish: increased cast time to 1 second, increased recharge time to 12 seconds.
        * Purge Signet: decreased cast time to 2 seconds.
        * Signet of Judgment: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds.
        * Zealot's Fire: increased recharge time to 45 seconds.


        * Plague Signet: decreased recharge time to 8 seconds.


        * Broad Head Arrow: decreased Energy cost to 15.
        * Equinox: decreased recharge time to 30 seconds.
        * Famine: decreased recharge time to 30 seconds.
        * Greater Conflagration: decreased recharge time to 30 seconds.
        * Lacerate: decreased recharge time to 30 seconds.
        * Savage Pounce: decreased recharge time to 10 seconds.
        * Tiger's Fury/Bestial Fury: decreased the attack speed to 25%.


        * Ancestors' Rage: decreased recharge time to 8 seconds.
        * Blind Was Mingson: decreased recharge time to 15 seconds, decreased Blindness duration to 3..8.
        * Bloodsong: decreased recharge time to 45 seconds, increased damage to 5..25.
        * Boon of Creation: reduced Energy gained to 1..6.
        * Channeled Strike: decreased recharge time to 6 seconds.
        * Defiant Was Xinrae: decreased Energy cost to 15.
        * Disenchantment: decreased recharge time to 45 seconds, increased damage to 5..20.
        * Displacement: decreased recharge time to 45 seconds.
        * Dissonance: decreased recharge time to 45 seconds, increased damage to 5..20.
        * Dulled Weapon: decreased recharge time to 12 seconds.
        * Essence Strike: increased damage to 15..60, increased Energy return to 1..9.
        * Gaze from Beyond: decreased recharge time to 10 seconds.
        * Ghostly Haste: increased spell recharge reduction to 25% faster.
        * Grasping Was Kuurong: increaed damage to 15..75.
        * Guided Weapon: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds.
        * Life: decreased recharge time to 30 seconds.
        * Mend Body and Soul: increased heal amount to 20..115.
        * Pain: decreased recharge time to 30 seconds, increased damage to 5..30.
        * Painful Bond: decreased recharge time to 12 seconds.
        * Preservation: decreased recharge time to 30 seconds.
        * Protective Was Kaolai: increased duration to 15..60 seconds.
        * Recuperation: increased Energy cost to 25, decreased recharge time to 45 seconds.
        * Ritual Lord: decreased Spirit recharge to 15..60%.
        * Shadowsong: increased Energy cost to 15.
        * Shelter: increased Energy cost to 25, increased damage taken to 75..45, decreased recharge time to 45 seconds.
        * Soothing: increased Energy to 25, decreased level to 1..8.
        * Spirit Burn: increased damage to 15..60, increased conditional damage to 15..45.
        * Spirit Light: decreased Energy cost to 5, increased Health sacrificed to 17%.
        * Spirit Light Weapon: Changed the way this skill worked to always heal for 1..10 Health per second, and an addition 1..10 Health if you are near a Spirit.
        * Spirit Rift: increased damage to 25..135.
        * Spirit Transfer: decreased recharge time to 5 seconds.
        * Splinter Weapon: decreased recharge time to 5 seconds.
        * Tranquil Was Tanasen: increased duration to 5..20.
        * Union: decreased recharge time to 45 seconds.
        * Vital Weapon: decreased recharge time to 12 seconds.
        * Wailing Weapon: decreased recharge time to 25 seconds.
        * Wanderlust: decreased recharge time to 45 seconds.
        * Weapon of Quickening: increased duration to 5..25.
        * Wielder's Boon: increased amount healed to 15..75.


        * Bull's Strike: increased recharge time to 10 seconds.
        * Dismember: decreased adrenaline to 5.
        * Eviscerate: decreased damage to 1..31.
        * Irresistible Blow: increased recharge time to 6 seconds, decreased damage to 5..20.
        * Wary Stance: decreased recharge time to 30 seconds.

Utloggad Crimson

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    • Jörn Joghans and his Art
SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #69 skrivet: 2006-09-14, 15:11:06 »
Agh! De har nerfat Balthazar's Aura, en av färdigheterna i mitt smiting-bygge! :o

=[OG]= GW Division Coach

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #70 skrivet: 2006-09-14, 17:39:14 »
Leech Signet! 30s cooldown! Det är bra! :winner

Utloggad E-doT

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #71 skrivet: 2006-09-14, 17:47:49 »
Agh! De har nerfat Balthazar's Aura, en av färdigheterna i mitt smiting-bygge! :o

Såja. I forumen på finns säkert en handfull trådar där du kan utgjuta din frustration över detta precis hur mycket du vill.   :poke ;)

Nej, men om man ser till helheten så verkar det förvånansvärt nog vara övervägande positiva förändringar - vilket väl i och för sig bara vittnar om att paragonerna och dervisherna är i antågande... *hukar sig*

Utloggad DeadHead

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #72 skrivet: 2006-09-14, 19:01:05 »
Update - Wednesday September 14

* Improved the Mission Map (the window accessed by using the "U" key) so that it works properly in the Catacombs, the Underworld, and Fissure of Woe, where previously it showed only black.  :thumb


* Mind Burn, Mind Freeze och Mind Shock: decreased Energy cost to 5, decreased recharge time to 5 seconds.  :thumb Äntligen värdiga sina elitstatus? Fortfarande rena pvp skills i mitt tycke.

* Ether Prodigy: increased damage per Energy to 3.  :cry PVP-nerf


* Leech Signet: decreased recharge time to 30 seconds.  :thumb

* Signet of Disruption: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds.  :thumb

Signet-byggen har fått sig en liten boost.


* Balthazar's Aura: decreased duration to 8 seconds.  :cry Än mer nerfad, snart obrukbar...

* Bane Signet: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds.  :thumb Gött för Holy Wrath Smiters!

* Divine Boon: increased recharge time to 10 seconds, decreased amount healed to 15..60.  :doubt Ok, kan förstå att de ändrat recharge tiden, men varför har de dragit ner på amount healed? *suck*

* Extinguish: increased cast time to 1 second, increased recharge time to 12 seconds. Synd, men fortfarande en bra skill...

* Purge Signet: decreased cast time to 2 seconds.  :thumb Nice! Ytterligare boost för signetbyggen!

* Signet of Judgment: decreased recharge time to 20 seconds.  :thumb (som ovan)

* Zealot's Fire: increased recharge time to 45 seconds.  :doubt Känns som det kvittar...


* Broad Head Arrow: decreased Energy cost to 15.  :thumb Mycket nice!

* Equinox: decreased recharge time to 30 seconds.
* Famine: decreased recharge time to 30 seconds.
* Greater Conflagration: decreased recharge time to 30 seconds.
* Lacerate: decreased recharge time to 30 seconds.  :thumb Till samtliga dessa elit-spirits. Behöver kapas på recharge ytterligare dock, så att man kan nyttja dem bättre i PVE

* Tiger's Fury/Bestial Fury: decreased the attack speed to 25%.  :cry :cry :cry Skit...

Utloggad Crimson

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    • Jörn Joghans and his Art
SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #73 skrivet: 2006-09-14, 19:01:07 »
Såja. I forumen på finns säkert en handfull trådar där du kan utgjuta din frustration över detta precis hur mycket du vill.   :poke ;)

Mjo, jag har noterat det. :) Och vilken storlek (filmässigt) på uppdateringen sedan! Först 2000+ filer för att komma till login, och sedan 4000+ för att ladda första outposten! Vi håller på att få hela Nightfall installerat?!? :D Nå, jag får väl helt enkelt lämna datorn på medan jag utför mer mundana sysslor under tiden. ;)

* Improved the Mission Map (the window accessed by using the "U" key) so that it works properly in the Catacombs, the Underworld, and Fissure of Woe, where previously it showed only black.  :thumb
Jupp! Det där har man saknat mången gång! :)

* Balthazar's Aura: decreased duration to 8 seconds.  :cry Än mer nerfad, snart obrukbar...
Ja, det var tråkigt! Förvisso tror jag inte det skadar mitt bygge särskilt mycket, men det kommer att gå långsammare att hacka sig fram - och man får nog bli försiktigare med hur mycket melee-bus man drar på sig. Den är säkert fortfarande effektiv mot mininons (som inte har vett att fly), men allt annat jox kommer att springa iväg och återvända lagom tills den har tagit slut.
« Senast ändrad: 2006-09-14, 19:11:00 by Crimson »

=[OG]= GW Division Coach

Utloggad E-doT

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SV: Nyheter och patchar
« Svar #74 skrivet: 2006-09-14, 20:04:45 »
Och vilken storlek (filmässigt) på uppdateringen sedan! Först 2000+ filer för att komma till login, och sedan 4000+ för att ladda första outposten! Vi håller på att få hela Nightfall installerat?!? :D

Hahaha - du borde ha släppt på snällheten och kontrat med :poke här, för jag kommer att få sitta halva natten och vänta, jag...  ;)


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